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Officer Training Resources

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The following forms are available on the SABO (Student Affairs Business Office) website:

  • Deposit Slip
  • Prize, Award, and Gift Card Information Form

Online Forms

The Contract Checklist, Travel Itinerary, Change of Officer Form, Ticket Sale Request, and Request for Theatrical Rights can all be accessed by logging into getINVOLVED. All forms are available on the Student Involvement and Leadership page after logging in.

Additional Forms and Information:

Organization Name Changes:

The name of your student organization should already define your mission/purpose. Ideally, student organizations should not be changing their name frequently, or at all, as this interrupts the history and promotion of your organization. Name changes should only occur if the name no longer represents the mission/purpose and/or students are not able to connect with the organization because the name is too vague or misleading.

There are many departments that need to be notified when an organization changes their name so that they can update their records, websites, social media, etc.

If you wish to request a name change, you must send an email to orgregistration@echo.rutgers.edu, and include the name of your current organization, the new name, and an updated constitution. You will be notified once your name change has been approved.