RU About Service?

Alternative Breaks


Rutgers University Alternative Breaks (RUAB) programs provide undergraduate students with a life-changing experience: a semester-long experience centered on community service. Participants learn about social justice issues within the United States and leadership during five weeks of pre-trip meetings, which are followed by a volunteer winter or spring break excursion. RUAB as a program aligns with the Academic Master Plan, specifically Pillar IV: Community Engagement, and serves as a high-impact practice. Community-based learning allows participants to learn how to develop community partnerships, engage in experiential learning, and build meaningful relationships with peers and volunteer guides. Participants gain a deeper understanding of servant leadership, positive social change, and cultural humility.

On-site during the break excursion, students provide necessary services and explore the culture and the history of the area. Students who participate in this program cultivate social responsibility, leadership, and lifelong learning, thereby fostering a generation of leaders committed to positive social change. This program is sponsored by Student Centers and Activities, Rutgers University Alternative Breaks, and the Division of Student Affairs.

Rutgers University Alternative Breaks aims to provide Rutgers University students with an opportunity to:

  • Learn about and critically examine interlinking issues that affect the lives of the residents of the city/area they are completing service in and the surrounding communities.
  • Work with the different community partners and organizations to complete service.
  • Listen to and understand community needs, recognize community strengths, and work with the community in reciprocal community relationships.
  • Continue a commitment to community service and social change while building new friendships and alliances.  

If interested in learning more, contact the Rutgers Alternative Breaks Executive Board at

Learn more about RUAB:

RUAB Poster

2024-2025 Trip Information

Potential 2024-2025 Alternative Break Trip Locations

  • New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Louisville, Kentucky
  • Washington, DC
  • Wilmington, North Carolina

Potential 2024-2025 Alternative Breaks Community Focus Areas:

  • Hunger and Food Security  
  • Youth Education Equity
  • Urban Poverty
  • Youth Development
  • Housing Insecurity

Trip Dates:

Winter Break: Sunday, January 5, 2025 - Sunday, January 12, 2025
Spring Break: Sunday, March 16, 2025 - Saturday, March 22, 2025

Cost of Trips

All program fees cover travel (train or airfare), housing, local transportation fees, and required entrance fees. Included meals vary by program and will be listed below.  

A non-refundable deposit will be due upon acceptance into the program. Non-refundable deposits are applied to your total program fees; the remaining program fees will be charged to the student's bursar account after the trip.

*Full details and cost will be listed below at a later date. The team is still finalizing the trip details.   

RUAB Poster 2

2024-2025 Application Process

Alternative Breaks 2024-2025 participant applications should be completed by the dates and times listed below. 

Apply Here

Important Dates for Applicants:

Winter Break Trips:

  • Applications
    • Applications open on Monday, September 23 
      Apply Here
    • Priority Deadline: Monday, October 7, 2024
    • Extended Deadline: Thursday, October 10, 2024
  • Interviews
    • Interviews are October 15 - 17 (zoom) 
  • Important Details
    • Final decisions are sent to general participants on Wednesday, October 23, 2024
    • First payment is due Friday, November 1, 2024
    • Pre-Trip Meetings will be announced by the first week of November. Date/Time TBA
    • Welcome event on December 12, 2024 

Spring Break Trips:

  • Applications
    • Applications open on Monday, September 23
      Apply Here
    • Priority Deadline: Monday, October 14, 2024
    • Extended Deadline: Friday, October 18, 2024
  • Interviews
    • Interviews are October 21-November 1 (In-person or Zoom)
  • Important Details
    • Final decisions are sent to general participants on Monday, November 8, 2024 
    • First payment is due Friday, November 18, 2024
    • Pre-Trips will be announced by the third week of November. Date/Time TBA
    • Welcome event on December 12, 2024 

 You may be required to sign a waiver to participate

Group Picture

Alternative Break Trips – Staff/Faculty Partners

This is a fantastic experience to work with highly motivated and passionate servant leaders who care about supporting our communities.  Two undergraduate student Site Leaders will work with a Staff Partner in leading a group of ten students on their trip.  This is a very rewarding experience for all who participate.  Ideal candidates are passionate about working with students, committed to community service and have positive, fun attitudes.

Staff Partner Expectations

  • Attend one Staff Partner training workshop.
  • Attend at least one pre-trip meeting.  Pre-trip meetings are pre-determined by Site Leaders prior to participants being selected.  Most pre-trip meetings take place on Friday afternoons or Sunday afternoons and evenings.
  • Meet one-on-one with Site Leaders at least once prior to the trip so that you can get to know one another and go over expectations for the trip.
  • Add educational value to the trip by contributing your life and professional perspective.
  • Be a “mature influence” and encourage students to make wise decisions.
  • Act as a resource for site leaders by providing advice and/or support.
  • Build relationships with site leaders and participants while in a non-traditional role.
  • Consult with Student Site Leaders on major decisions affecting the entire group.
  • Attend and participate in nightly reflections facilitated by Site Leaders.
  • Step in during any emergency situations (i.e. transporting a student to the hospital, advising students during adverse weather conditions, etc.).
  • Drive one of the vehicles on the trip and have taken and passed Defensive Driving.
  • Attend RUAB events such as the Kickoff Event and end-of-year celebration. 

Staff Partner 2024-2025 Application Process

Alternative Breaks 2024-2025 staff partner applications should be completed by Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Apply to be a Staff Partner Here 

Staff Partner Important Dates

  • Staff Partner Application Deadline – Tuesday, October 15, 11:59 PM ET
  • Staff Partner Speed Interviews – October 22-25 
  • Decision Letters will be provided by Tuesday, October 29 
  • Pre-Meeting Trips – Dates will be given after Staff Partners are paired with their designated trip 
  • Staff Partner Welcome and Workshop – November 20, 2024
  • Welcome event in December 2024 Date/Time TBA 

You may be required to sign a waiver to participate

***Faculty/ staff trip partners are expected to participate fully in service, so they will have limited time to complete work responsibilities. Faculty/ staff trip partners should speak with their supervisor regarding adjustments to workload.***

Frequently Asked Questions

The following is a list of commonly asked questions regarding Rutgers University Alternative Break trips. We’ve done our best to list the most common questions, but if you have a question we haven’t answered below, please feel free to email us at

What is the commitment to be a part of Alternative Breaks?

The commitment for Alternative Breaks consists of four weeks of pre-trip meetings, the trip (all trips are approximately seven days), one post-trip meeting, and one post-trip service project. It is expected that all students will actively participate in fundraising events for the trips as well as their own fundraising. In addition, all students are expected to attend all evening activities while on the trip sponsored by the host site and to remain completely drug and alcohol free the entire time while on the trip.

What are pre-trip meetings?

Pre-trip meetings are very important in the Alternative Break process. These meetings give students the opportunity to get to know each other and bond prior to the trip. Students learn about the history and culture of the area in pre-trip meetings as well as about the social issues they will be dealing with while volunteering.

Who participates in the trips?

Rutgers undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and staff participate in trips. Each trip has 10 student participants, two student Site Leaders, and one professional staff member who serves as a Staff Partner for the trip.

We also run several specialty trips, including our first-year leadership alternative break. That trip brings 45 participants, eight Site Leaders, and two Staff Partners to Washington, D.C. during Spring Break. To inquire about our first-year specific trip, email Aleena Saleem

Do I have to have prior volunteer experience in order to attend a trip?

Although prior volunteer experience is great, it is not necessary.

How much are the trips?

Costs vary depending on the trip. However, trips where the group is flying usually cost approximately $550-600.00. Trips where the group is driving usually cost approximately $375-400.00. International trips cost approximately $850-950.00. Students attending trips are fully expected to participate in all Alternative Break fundraising events and to fundraise individually as well.

Are the sites new every year or do you repeat programs?

Trips are based on a variety of different criteria. New trips are added each year, and we try to offer a diverse set of trips that tackle various social and environmental issues.

Will I miss class by participating in a trip?

Alternative Break trips are not scheduled while regular classes are meeting. However, they may conflict with some winter session classes.

What is a group travel experience?

A group travel experience means that decisions will be made in the best interest of the group as whole. In other words, individuals might not get to see all the sights and/or eat at all the places where they would like to. Group travel requires people to cooperate and compromise with others, however, the experience is very rewarding for all involved.

Can I bring my laptop on my Alternative Breaks trip?

The Alternative Breaks program advises all participants not to bring any valuables with them on their trips, for multiple reasons. One is that there is a risk that valuables will get lost and/or stolen. And second, laptops serve as a distraction and hinder group dynamics.

How many Alternative Break trips can I participate in a year?

Due to the popularity of the program, students may only participate in one Alternative Break trip per year.

Am I guaranteed a spot on at least one trip?

Alternative Breaks receives more applications than spots we have available on trips. Therefore, we cannot guarantee placement on a trip. Students are offered at least one trip, although it may not be a top choice. The more trips that you are willing to participate in, the higher your chances of getting placed on a trip.

I am studying abroad. Can I still apply?

Due to application and interview deadlines, students who are participating in study abroad are unable to apply at this time for an Alternative Break trip.

How can I become a Site Leader?

Students who have attended at least one RUAB trip are eligible to apply to be trip leaders by filling out an RUAB Site Leader Application. Following the application, students are required to schedule an interview with the Alternative Break team. After all interviews are conducted, a selection committee meets to place leaders. Student Site Leaders are usually chosen for their peer leadership abilities and qualities, and not necessarily for their knowledge about a certain location or issue. The RUAB team attempts to match pairs of leaders with complementing leadership qualities (i.e. an introvert with an extrovert, or a details person with a big picture person).

How does payment work and what happens if I have to cancel last-minute?

Once accepted into the program, the student must bring their $150.00 non-refundable deposit that is credited towards the total trip fee to SABO. The deadline to withdraw from an Alternative Break trip is 50 days prior to your trip departure date. If you do not provide written notice to the leadership department of your withdrawal before this deadline, you will be charged any costs incurred to RUAB (including transportation, room and board, site fees, etc.). Any exceptions to these rules are made on a case-by-case basis. Students will be provided with final payment deadlines upon acceptance into the program.

Are the Alternative Break trips safe?

Yes. Every year the safety of each trip is considered. Nevertheless, there are always risks in domestic and international travel.

Who may I contact if I have more specific questions?

For any additional information please contact us at and

Meet the Rutgers University Alternative Breaks (RUAB) Leadership Team

Sunny Lee - (she/her/hers) 
LEAD Intern

Victoria Ajayi - (she/her/hers)
Treasurer/LEAD Intern 

Priyanshi Shah - (she/her/hers)

Laiba Mughal - (she/her/hers)



Beatriz Mundo –(she/her/hers)
Graduate Intern

Karima Woodyard –(she/her/hers) 