Why We Contract?
All student organizations that plan to use the services outside of those their members can provide should consult their Advisor to discuss the contracts necessary for such services. Contracts are an important way for you to protect yourself and your student organization from possible liability associated with events and programs. They serve as a standardized method of outlining what services a contractor will provide to you or your student organization and the amount of payment or services you agree to supply in return.
The Office of Student Involvement and Leadership and our advisor team signs contracts for student organizations. In this way, you and your organization are protected from liability. Students should NEVER, under any circumstances, sign contracts on behalf of their organization. If this happens, the student may be held personally liable for the terms of the contract, including payment.
Contracts or Letters of Agreement must be processed whether or not the service provider is being paid. Just as you wouldn’t buy a car or a house without a contract, never purchase the services of a DJ or a caterer without a carefully executed and signed contract.
Contracting Examples
Performer/Speaker: Comedian, speaker, musician/band, etc.
Service Provider: DJ, photographer, videographer, logo designer, etc.
Contract Workflow

- Student Org Officer will find the Contract guide/timeline below, which will provide all the details needed to complete the contract preparation process. They must have all the necessary items before moving forward.
- Pro Tip: It is recommended that the Org officers meet with their advisor 1-2 times a semester to review the process and SABO budget. This will avoid future concerns.
- Pro Tip: It is great practice for treasurers to create a budget for the semester/year so that officers understand how funds will be spent. We have created templates for you to assist with budgeting, which can be found here!

- Treasurers should check their SABO account to ensure funds are available to pay the supplier. If funds are not available, they should not proceed. Important: Please take into account any pending transactions.
- The Student Organization Officer should negotiate pricing and should be using the timeline/guide below to ensure that all necessary details are collected from the supplier.

- The Treasurer submits check request into SABO online (will need the C#). Important: Any paid suppliers should have a federal ID# (no international vendors).
- The Student Org officer clicks the link below to begin creating their supplier's DocuSign contract.

- The DocuSign contract will then be reviewed by the supplier to ensure everything is accurate and fill in the W-9.
- Note: Accurate details are important. The check will reflect what is indicated on the W-9. For example, the name on the W-9 will be the person to whom the check will be made out.
- Below, you will find the Supplier FAQ; please share it with your supplier, as it will answer any questions they may have.
- Once the contract DocuSign is signed by the supplier, the contract will be routed to the Advisor for review.
- The final, completed DocuSign goes to SABO, the Advisor, and the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership for filing purposes. The Org officer should save the DocuSign for filing purposes as well.
- The supplier will also get the final version.
- SABO processes and mails check to vendor.
Timeline Guide for Using Generating Contracts for Student Organization Events
6 weeks (about 1 and a half months minimum) to 1 Year before Event:
- EVENT SPACE NEEDS TO BE RESERVED through Meetings and Events office (https://sca.rutgers.edu/host-event/student-reservations )
- Research suppliers you wish to use for Speakers, DJs, Artists, Sound Companies, Rentals, etc.
- Decide on which suppliers you wish to use for your event
5 Weeks minimum before Event:
- Details related to your event are due to Event Coordinator from Meetings and Events Office to confirm event space(s)
- Submit check request to SABO for payments needed for contracted services. This will generate Check Request Transaction C# needed for DocuSign Contract Process. This C# is how the contract is tracked.
- Have all the details about the event and supplier’s service to fill in the contract. You will also need your advisor’s name and email address.
- Initiate DocuSign Contract HERE. These instructions are also included in the form for reminder on process and how to format the information you submit. Once you submit the form, a copy will go to the Supplier to review. Please thoroughly read the guide/instructions on contracting before filling in the DocuSign contract form as errors will result in having to start the contract process over.
4 weeks before Event:
- DocuSign contract form must be reviewed and Signed by Supplier
- Supplier MUST upload their signed Tax W9 form to this form Upload LINK
- Link to download a blank w9: Form W-9 (Rev. October 2018) (rutgers.edu)
- *Note that SABO cannot process payment without the W9 https://sabo.rutgers.edu/sites/default/files/pdfs/W-9%20(%20blank).pdfhttps://sabo.rutgers.edu/sites/default/files/pdfs/W-9%20(%20blank).pdf
- After Supplier signs DocuSign contract, a copy is automatically sent to your advisor.
3 weeks before Event:
- DocuSign contract form needs to be reviewed and signed by Organization Advisor
- If Contract contains mistakes or the advisor is unaware of your group’s intent to contract a supplier, they may reject the form. Please keep an open line of communication on your plans with your advisor.
2 weeks before Event:
- DocuSign Contract needs to be fully signed and executed and submitted to SABO along with w9 from Supplier. SABO needs both forms to be able to generate checks.
- Check your SABO account and look for “check cut” status next to the check request. Once the check is cut you may pick up the check from SABO or SABO will mail the check directly to supplier following the event (depending on what you request in on the check request transaction).
- What holds up your contract checks?
- Forgetting to submit a SABO check request.
- Delay in return of signed contract from supplier.
- Missing a W-9 Form.
- Examples of services that require a contract (not all inclusive):
- Non-Rutgers Catering
- Off-Campus Banquets/Retreats
- Performers/Lecturers (paid or unpaid)
- Non-Rutgers Equipment Rental
- Vendor Sales at Events/Programs
- Things to Remember:
- Members of an organization CANNOT be paid for services provided to their student organizations.
- All suppliers must sign a contract even if they are not receiving a fee.
- The supplier and your Advisor must sign contracts at least two weeks prior to the event date; please utilize the timeline above.
- Student organization members should NEVER sign contracts on behalf of the organization.
- Rutgers employees will be paid via their paychecks if they are eligible to be paid for their services (i.e. a biology professor who is a member of a jazz band that is performing during an event can be paid because they are providing a service that is not part of their job). Staff and Faculty who perform a service/provide a lecture or keynote, etc. that is related to their line of work SHOULD NOT BE PAID (i.e. a Health Center Director cannot be paid to give a keynote during a student organization’s program). If a student is providing the service and is employed at Rutgers; they must fill in their employment details on the contract and their payment for the contracted service will be made through their Rutgers Paycheck.
- Information you need from Supplier in order to complete DocuSign:
- Supplier Name (You will need both the name they use on their TAX w9)
- Supplier Agency/Business Name (If Applicable (Helpful if person is doing business as part of a larger company or has an LLC)
- Supplier/Agency/Business Address (Must match w9)
- Supplier/Agency/Business Phone Number
- Supplier/Agency/Business has their w9 ready for this process
- Supplier/Agency/Business email address
- Formal Name of Student Organization hosting the event (i.e. RUSA would be Rutgers University Student Assembly for a contract)
- Student Organization SABO account number
- Student Organization Advisor name
- Student Organization Advisor Email Address
- Day- Of Event Student Organization Contact Name (Ideally the person meeting the Supplier at event location)
- Day-Of Event Contract Phone Number
- Event Name
- Event Type (examples: Musical Performance; Logo Contest; Keynote Speech, DJ, Sound Company for Theatre Performance...)
- Event Location (building, room and campus)
- Event Location Address (Street address)
- Event Date (Day of week, Month, Day, Year) and Time event starts and ends (XX: XX AM/PM - XX: XX AM/PM)
- Supplier Arrival Time (XX: XX AM/PM)
- Start Time of Service (XX: XX AM/PM)
- End Time of Service (XX: XX AM/PM)
- Special provisions of the Supplier (Equipment, tech, number staffing, handouts, etc. That is the responsibility of the Supplier to bring with them – see samples below)
- Special provisions of the Purchaser (space, stage, equipment tech, volunteers, etc. That is the responsibility of the Student Organization/Purchaser to bring with them – see samples below)
- Fee (all inclusive) - Student organizations cannot reimburse Suppliers for travel or other costs. The payment fee should be all inclusive.
- Check Payable to Name (should match W9)
Supplier FAQs
- What is SABO?
Think of Student Activities Business Office (SABO) as the financial institution (bank) of all undergraduate student organizations. We function as the accounts payable and student expense reimbursement support. All student organization related bills (invoices, contracts) and reimbursement requests are paid by SABO. We do not provide funding; we only maintain it.
- What are the payment terms?
When the appropriate supporting documentation is received by SABO and your Administrative Advisor has approved the check request in the SABO System Ledger, SABO approves request, and the check can be “cut” (issued) within 3-5 business days.
- What documents will I need to fill out in order to receive payment?
This depends on the type of check request submitted:
Invoice: final invoice (not quote) + completed/signed W-9
PERR form: original, itemized receipts + form signed by Treasurer and Advisor
Contracts: fully executed (signed) contract by both Contract Payee and authorized Rutgers representative
- Who is responsible for issuing and approving payments?
After the Administrative Advisor approves the check request in the system, this goes to SABO staff for review and approval. Before the check payment is released, the SABO Director/Business Manager reviews and approves. If the check payment is over $10,000, another level of approval (Assistant Vice Chancellor of Finance) is required and will add to the processing time.
- The person who we want to contract with for a service (e.g. DJ, photography, etc.) is also a student worker at the University; how shall I proceed?
A student contracted by a student organization cannot be paid from SABO. They must be paid via University Payroll. Additional procedures are required as follows:
1. Treasurer must follow the normal contracting process, which includes submitting a Check Request – Contract Individual in SABO System Ledger.
2. At the end of the contract template, a series of questions will be asked pertaining to the Payee’s employment status at Rutgers.
3. If it is determined that the Payee is a current Rutgers employee, instead of a check being issued to the Payee, they will receive compensation via their paycheck (direct deposit).
4. SABO will be responsible for contacting the Payee’s payroll supervisor and requesting the payment to be processed.
5. Student organization will see this reflected as a “Transfer” payment from their SABO account to a “clearing account #820”.
- I am receiving an honorarium. What do I need to know?
An honorarium is a payment that functions as a token of appreciation to an individual for participation in a special, and typically non-recurring, activity at a university event for which payment is not required. This method of payment is usually made as a “thank you.”
Normally, an honorarium is given in conjunction with an academic activity. No honorarium should be paid to a university employee.
- Once I fill out the Contract via DocuSign and W-9, what happens? Where does my personal information go?
The information on W-9 is sensitive and by keeping the signing process within DocuSign, we limit access to only the people who need to know to process a contract payment.
- How long will it take for me to receive payment?
When the appropriate supporting documentation is received by SABO and your Administrative Advisor has approved the check request in the SABO System Ledger, SABO approves request, and the check can be “cut” (issued) within 3-5 business days.
When check delivery is marked as “Mail,” mail pick up at SABO happens on even numbered days. Checks will be mailed to the address on file.
When check delivery is marked as “Pick-up,” the check will be available at SABO within 3 days of when the check was “cut” (issued).
- How will I receive payment?
Payments are made in the form of a check.
- Can I be paid via wire transfer or Venmo, Zelle, Cash App etc.?
No. At this time, SABO does not have the ability to send or accept payments in this manner.
- How will the Student Organization leader know who the check should be made out to?
The student who spent out of pocket funds (personal) for student organizational related expense is the person who needs to be reimbursed and therefore should be the “Payee” on the check request form in SABO. When their NetID is entered, the same address they have on file with the University is automatically populated in the address field.
- Where the check should be mailed to?
If check delivery is marked as “mailed,” this is the address the check gets mailed to. If check delivery is marked as “pick-up,” the check will be available at SABO office located at the Student Activities Center (SAC) on 613 George St. (Lower Level).
- Why do I need to sign the contract and fill out the W-9?
A signed contract makes it legally binding.
A W-9 is used to obtain taxpayer information to help with information reporting to the IRS.
- Can the Student Organization leader sign the contract on behalf of Rutgers?
Students should never, under any circumstances, sign a contract on behalf of their organization. By doing so, the student may be held personally liable for the terms of the contract, including payment.
Contract Special Provisional Examples
DJ Event
Detailed Description of expectations and special provisions to be provided by the Supplier (i.e.: program outline equipment they are providing, parking information, format of program, dressing room, q&a format, etc.
The DJ / Supplier will oversee bringing their own equipment inclusive of microphone for announcement and speakers, including a disc jockey, laptop, and speakers. The DJ will also be expected to pay for their own travel expenses to the venue. DJ Should bring wide variety of current and popular dance music.
The Student Organization/Purchaser will provide event space, 2 tables, 2 chairs, and one power strip. A link for registering a vehicle with Rutgers Parking and Transportation will be emailed prior to the event.
The Videographer/Supplier will bring their own camera and gimble to the event to videotape the event. The videographer will provide edited /final video to student organization member Joe Brown by two weeks following the event. The Videographer will also provide a copy of all raw footage.
The Student Organization/Purchaser will provide a table and chair at the event, one meal at the event, and the organization logo file for inclusion in the video intro.
The comedian will bring their own on-stage props for their comedy show.
The Student Organization/Purchaser will provide event space, 2 8-foot stage pieces with stairs; one stool, one mic with stand, and a dressing room. Note the dressing room is a meeting room and does not contain a private bathroom. A link for registering a vehicle with Rutgers Parking and Transportation will be emailed prior to the event.
Performer – Dance
The Dancer/Supplier will bring any props they need, music for performance on CD and MP3 format, and is expected to perform on the 20x48 ft stage which will be topped with dance floor covering.
The Student Organization/Purchaser will provide event space, portable stage pieces with stairs and dance floor covering; sound equipment with ability to play cd and mp3 format music, and a dressing room. Note the dressing room is a meeting room and does not contain a private bathroom.
Sound /Equipment Company
The Sound Company/Supplier will bring:
- 1 - SL100 Mobile Stage – (rain site might require staging pieces substitute)
- 6x JBL VRX 932La speaker, 6x JBL Vrx918s subwoofers. Yamaha LS916 Console. Microphone/cable pkg
- 2 - Audio Technician for setup, breakdown and operation of audio system
- 30 - Samsonite Folding Chair
- 20 - 6' x 20" Tables
- 12 - LED Par can Lighting
- 12 - Security Bike Rack Fencing/barricade pieces
The Student Organization/Purchaser will provide access to event space 4 hours prior to event start time; meals for 2, and 4 volunteers to assist with load in and out of equipment.
Tips and Tricks
- All information should be spelled out (do not use acronyms.)
- Check to ensure the logistical information given correlates with the Space Reservation Booking Acknowledgement (i.e. time, date, location, etc.)
- If the performance is a lecture, clarify the following on the contract:
- The topic of the lecture
- Whether there will be a press conference or interview session.
- Who will provide for technical needs (sound, lights, etc.)? If another agency is the provider, a separate contract will need to be issued. In addition, a certificate of insurance must be provided by the sound/ light vendor. See your Advisor about insurance requirements.
- Student organizations should not be making travel/lodging arrangements or reimbursing for these. The fee paid to the supplier should cover all financial obligations.
- Standard clauses on internal contracts should not be amended.
- Take care in processing contracts for multiple performances (i.e. Several performances that take place during one event/ one evening.) If the program is a "battle of the bands" make sure the times indicated on the contract are realistic. Consider:
- Is there enough time to get one performer on the stage, and another off the stage?
- Will equipment be shared?
- Do the performers understand that theirs' is not the only group performing?
- Are there expectations by performers for billing in the advertisement?
- The artist should always arrive in advance of the program to rehearse or prepare. Please make sure that student group representatives provide proper directions to the campus.
- Please ensure all check payable information is completely accurate and consistent with the supplier’s w9. The social security number or Federal Tax ID must be on the contract in order to process payment. Falsification of this information is a serious offense.
- Students must never sign a contract on behalf of their organization. Only authorized Student Affairs Staff (the Advisor) may do so.
- No member of a student organization may gain profit by virtue of his/her involvement in an organization. This would be a conflict of interest.
Proofing Checklist:
□ ls it confirmed that the student organization has adequate funds and reserved space for the program outlined in the contract?
□ Is the length of service noted? Intermissions?
□ Is the name of the supplier(s) clearly spelled out on the contract?
□ Are load in/ load out times and sound-check times specified?
□ Is the date, time, place and location of the event clearly articulated on the contract?
□ Is the performer a Rutgers student/staff/faculty employee?