On-Campus Activity Waivers

The waivers below are for your organization’s convenience. Waivers, when needed for an event, must be completed by all participants, collected by the Event Leader from the organization, and submitted (in one PDF) on getINVOLVED prior to the event or within 48 hours after the event. Student Involvement and Leadership will not accept individual waivers by members. 

Extenuating circumstances must receive pre-approval by the Advisor of the organization. 

This library is not an exhaustive nor complete list of waivers required. If there is not a waiver here that covers your specific event’s activities, you must contact your Advisor to determine the risks of your planned activity and create a waiver if needed. 

Waiver for Activities with Live Animals

Waiver for Break Dancing

Waiver for Competitive Activities

Waiver for Dancing

Waiver for Date Auction

Waiver for Fashion Show

Waiver for Health Test

Waiver for Massage

Waiver for Recreational Activities

Waiver for Self Defense

Waiver for Taste Testing

Waiver for Theatrical Performance