Room Descriptions

One Community, Five Campuses, Six Centers.

We have more than 40 meeting spaces available for you to reserve throughout our six Centers. For information on each room, please visit our online reservation system, and click Locations on the left-hand menu (please note, you must be logged in).

Busch MPR

Busch Student Center

The Busch Student Center is perfect for large conferences and retreats.

College Ave Red Lion Cafe

College Ave Student Center

The College Ave Student Center features 60s minimalistic architecture in an urban setting.

Cook MPR

Cook Student Center

The Cook Student Center is a stunning natural setting among the woods, and is perfect for conferences and retreats.

Douglass Trayes Hall

Douglass Student Center

The Douglass Student Center is a historical Center close to a major highway, and is ideal for social events. 

Livingston MPR

Livingston Student Center

The Livingston Student Center has a contemporary and modern feel.


Student Activities Center

The Student Activities Center (SAC) is a collaborative space for all student leaders, where staff can assist with all student involvement and leadership needs. Note: no event reservations are available in the SAC.