Getting Involved with Leadership Opportunities

Why Get Involved

Whether you’re just starting, or graduation is on the horizon, take advantage of these leadership experiences that are guaranteed to leave you with a network of support, polished professionalism, self-awareness, and a portfolio to boast about on interviews! 

Employers expect these skills from new professionals, along with demonstrated anecdotes of how you apply them. Gain these skills and more through hands-on learning, intentional development, and initiatives. 

  • Demonstrated Leadership Experience
  • Public Speaking and Professionalism
  • Critical Thinking and Confidence
  • Digital Competencies
  • Initiative and Problem-Solving
  • Empathy and Perspective

What We Offer

Leadership Opportunities

We have something for everyone at Rutgers regardless of your class year. Get ready to gain transferable skills, build community, and have fun!

New to Rutgers

Want to start your journey at Rutgers off right? We want to help you make the most of your Rutgers experience. Let us do that by getting involved in any of these programs or services before your first day at school. 

Lead Up Academy

The Lead Up Academy enhances leadership skills to help Rutgers students stand out to future employers. Students can get involved in this progressive, tiered curriculum at any point or complete any or all of the programs listed here.

Immersive Experiences

We offer a variety of immersive leadership experiences designed to engage and motivate students to increase their self-awareness, build collaborative communities of learners, and develop their individual leadership competencies.

  • Rutgers University Alternative Breaks (RUAB) provide students with a life-changing experience where participants learn about a particular community issue while immersing themselves in a service-learning excursion over winter or spring break.
  • Retreat experiences help you become the innovative leader that people want to follow and employers want to hire.

Signature Events

We host many signature events to provoke thought and transform perspectives throughout the university. Follow along at @rutgersuSCA for opportunities to participate in signature events.

Involvement and Leadership Week 

Join us for a week-long celebration of all things leadership designed to provoke thought, inspire action, and help you develop the skills and knowledge to become an innovative leader!

Leader Corps

Looking to leave a legacy at Rutgers? Our Leader Corps is made up of premier student leaders working to provoke thought, cultivate confidence, and inspire action in the Rutgers community.