Student Center Cash Program

Your Event. Our Priority!

Want to provide your event guests a meal, offer multiple food choices, and save money? 
Student Center Cash Coupons provide an easy, affordable, and convenient way to provide meals for your event guests. They also provide a simple way to accommodate a variety of tastes. The coupons are accepted at all food vendors in the Student Centers. With six Centers and over 20 options, there is a favorite for everyone.  

Student Center Cash Coupons can be purchased along with your other reservation needs or as a stand-alone reservation.  

Here’s how:

  1. Request Student Center Cash Coupons the same way you would other reservations. Contact the Meetings and Events team via email or phone (848) 932-8821. If you already have a room reservation, ask your Event Coordinator to add it to your reservation.
  2. Cash Coupon orders need to be placed at least five working days in advance of the event, to ensure the Center staff has enough time to collect all the correct information, order the Cash Coupons, get them printed, and give vendors proper notice. For large events (100 people or more) or for events during irregular hours (e.g., weekends or late nights) at least three weeks’ notice is preferred.
  3. For the reservation, please provide: quantity of coupons needed; date and time the coupons are valid (e.g., 11am-1pm); the name of the sponsor (Courtesy of: “sponsor”); the value of each Cash certificate; and the date and time you would like to pick up the Cash Coupons.
  4. You will get an estimate cost for your request (number of coupons needed x dollar value of each coupon) on your reservation.
  5. Center staff will order the coupons to be printed and will make sure the vendors you have chosen are notified of your event.
  6. Pick up the Cash Coupons from the Operations Office in the Center you chose for your event. Sign the Certificate Release Form at the time you pick up the Cash Coupons as confirmation that you received them.
  7. Hand the Student Center Cash Coupons out to your guests and enjoy!
  8. Plan your event to ensure your guests have enough time to use the coupons during the time frame printed on your coupons. They are not valid and will not be accepted past the printed time frame.
  9. Return any unused coupons back to the Operations Office at the end of your event and fill in the amount returned in the Release Form. The total of the unused coupons will be deducted from your reservation. The total value of the used coupons will be billed as part of your reservation.
  10. After the event, the Meetings and Events team will send you one invoice for your entire reservation (Cash Coupons and any rooms, equipment, service charges, etc. related to your event).
  11. Regular payment procedures apply – IPO via RIAS for departments, or credit card, check, etc. for other groups or businesses.
  12. We take care of all the details, and you get satisfied guests.