Student Organization Handbook

The Organization Toolkit is available here.

Student Center and Activities' Involvement and Leadership team is here to serve students, student organizations, and the Rutgers community through organizational advisement and support, involvement activities, leadership development, and a wide range of program offerings. Such efforts, implemented in collaboration with students, faculty, staff, and alumni, aid in the growth and development of individuals. They are an integral part of the educational mission of Rutgers University.

Our team views students as partners in the creation and implementation of co-curricular endeavors at Rutgers University. This shared responsibility is achieved through student employment opportunities, paraprofessional experiences, organizational involvement, and the promotion of student decision-making.

We welcome you in your new endeavor as a student organization leader. The information contained in this handbook is meant to serve as a resource to student organizations and their officers. Our hope is to build a partnership with you that will ensure success for your organization.

We hope that you will attend our various programs, trainings, and workshops that have been tailor-made to meet your needs. Your experience as an organization officer should provide you ample opportunities to develop skills that will help you in your future endeavors and to meet co-curricular learning outcomes.

If you have any questions, please contact the Student Involvement and Leadership team. We are located in the Student Activities Center (SAC) at 613 George Street (College Ave. Campus). You may also contact us via phone: 848-932-6978 or email at

Advertising and Posting
Community Service and Volunteer Resources
Events and Program Planning Guidelines
Food and Catering Guidelines
Student Center and Reservation Guidelines
Student Organization General Guidelines
Student Organization Incident Policy (SOIP)
Travel Programs and Informed Consent Waivers

Advertising and Posting

Advertising Events

Student organization-sponsored events are for the Rutgers community and invited guests. Advertising for these events is the sole responsibility of the sponsoring organization and should be focused on the Rutgers Community. Student organization advertisements are restricted to on-campus advertising sites only and should be done with guidance from the organization’s Advisor. Social media sites (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) can be used provided the advertisement explicitly states the event is for the Rutgers community and invited guest(s) only. It is the responsibility of the hosting student organization to communicate the guest policy to their membership. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the cancellation of your event/meeting and loss of future reservation privileges.

  • Advertising an event prior to event confirmation is prohibited.
  • All forms of advertisement (i.e., fliers, newspaper ads, etc.) must provide accurate event information including sponsoring organization/client contact information.
  • Advertised admission costs (free or fee) may not change.

Student Center Posting and Distribution Policies

Information on Advertising Approval Locations, Flyers, Bulletin Boards, Posters on Easels, Banners, Display Boards, and Table Ad Holders, can be found here.

Bus Stops: Posting flyers on bus stops that provide bulletin boards or posting sites is permitted. Posting flyers on bus stops that are glass enclosed is strictly prohibited.

Removal Procedures at Bus Stops: Signs that have been officially approved by university officials will be torn down tri-weekly (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) between the hours of 6am and 8am only and will be strictly enforced. Flyers that have not been approved for posting will be removed immediately.

Programs that will be Serving Alcohol: Due to liability issues, programs being held by Rutgers affiliates and which will be serving alcohol may not be advertised on the campus of Rutgers University. Any flyers or advertisements advertising alcohol will not be approved for posting.


For information about posting guidelines for residence halls, please visit:

Advertising Disclaimers and Statements


  • Student organizations must list
    • “RUSA Allocations Board, paid for by student fees,” as a funding agent on all advertising for a program or event when the RUSA Allocations Board funds over 20% of the entire program or event at the time of the submitted budget.
    • “Rutgers Business Governing Association, paid for by student fees,” as a funding agent on all advertising for a program or event, when the RBGA Allocations Committee funds over 20% of the entire program or event.
    • “SEBS Governing Council, paid for by student fees,” as a funding agent on all advertising for a program or event, when the SGC Finance Committee funds over 20% of the entire program or event.
  • All student organizations should advertise all events and meetings on getINVOLVED

Additionally, student organizations must list: “This event is sponsored by Name of Club, a Rutgers University student organization” on any and all advertising.

Failure to comply will result in a referral to Student Organization Incident Review Board. Further failure to comply will result in a 75% reduction on advertising and duplications for the next event and the organization will not be allowed to appeal for additional funding for the next event.


We encourage you to place the following disclaimers and statements on flyers when applicable:

For Major Events/Concerts/Large Social Events/Lectures Involving High Profile Speakers: “This event is open to Rutgers University students, staff, faculty, and their invited guests only. Proof of Rutgers identification will be required. All attendees agree to comply with Rutgers policy and will be asked to leave the premises if such policies are violated with no liability to Rutgers. Any behavior that puts yourself or others at risk of injury is not permitted and will result in removal from events with no refund and may result in judicial action or persecution.”

Examples of accessibility statements that can be utilized by Rutgers affiliates: “If you are an individual with a disability and will need an accommodation, please call _________________ (name and number of organization or office responsible)”. 

For events requiring advance registration or notice (e.g.: conference, banquet, workshop): “If you are an individual with a disability and will need an accommodation, please call _________________ (name and number of individual appointed) at least two weeks before the program to request your accommodation.”

Community Service and Volunteer Resources

Protection of Minors

In its continued commitment to ensure the well-being and safety of minors on campus, Rutgers University has rolled out the Protection of Minors Policy.

Rutgers defines a University-Sponsored Program as a program or activity operated by an affiliated Rutgers Department or Rutgers student organization where the minors participating in the program are supervised by Rutgers Authorized Adults and Direct Contact Positions or Job Titles. Additionally, Section III B of our policy states that students who are at minimum 18-years-old and are participating in the program as either employees or volunteers may supervise minor participants, subject to the same background checks, reporting obligations and minimum standard of conduct provided herein.

All students hosting minors on campus that serve in a supervisory capacity should complete the Protection of Minors training, which explains that they have a duty to report suspected abuse or neglect of minors, and undergo a background check.

Student organizations that volunteer at locations off-campus should also be registered with the participants, at a minimum completing our training course on how to report abuse/neglect and how to work effectively with minors. If the community partner requires background checks through some other means other than a university human resources-obtained check, then the program will have to let Student Involvement and Leadership know in advance so that a background check exemption may be applied to the program, and student organizations will not have to pay multiple times for separate background check requirements.

As a reminder, under the provisions of the policy, Program Directors for all university-sponsored programs and non-university programs using Rutgers facilities involving minors must comply with the following at least 3-4 weeks before their program begins:

  • Register programs involving minors with the university.
  • Ensure all staff, volunteers, and service providers complete the required 30-minute online training course.
  • Obtain tri-annual criminal background checks for all staff or volunteers who exercise responsibility over minors, as defined by the policy.
  • Adhere to all reporting obligations as required by the policy if abuse or neglect of a minor is suspected.

To assist Program Directors and student organizations with management of their programs and compliance with the above policy requirements, a new Protection of Minors (POM) Database has been created. Program Directors and student organization leaders may log-in to the database (using their NetID and password) to complete the program registration, register their employees and volunteers for training, and initiate background checks.  

Non-university programs must have a sponsoring department affiliated with the university to obtain access to university facilities and will need to contact the POM Steering Committee at for access to the database. 

Please be sure to designate one person per program to complete the program registration to prevent duplication of registrations and to avoid dual fees associated with initiating multiple background checks for the same person. 

This policy applies to all administrators, staff, students, and volunteers involved with minors on campus. It also applies to all university-sponsored programs including one-on-one mentoring scenarios, programs taking place at Rutgers, and programs under the direction and authority of the university at off-campus locations. 

Each member of our community has a responsibility to support the protection of minors. Understanding your role and adhering to the policy requirements mentioned above is paramount toward providing the best possible experiences for children at Rutgers University. 

For more information, visit


Contracts 101

Student Involvement and Leadership develops and signs contracts for student organizations. In this way, you and your organization are protected from liability. Students should NEVER, under any circumstances, sign contracts on behalf of their organization. If this happens, the student may be held personally liable for the terms of the contract, including payment.

All student organizations that plan to use the services outside of those their members can provide should consult their Advisor to discuss the contracts necessary for such services. Contracts are an important way for you to protect yourself and your student organization from possible liability associated with events and programs. They serve as a standardized method of outlining what services a contractor will provide to you or your student organization and the amount of payment or services you agree to supply in return.

Contracts or Letters of Agreement must be processed whether or not the service provider is being paid.

Just as you wouldn’t buy a car or a house without a contract, never purchase the services of a DJ or a caterer without a carefully executed and signed contract.

Contract Checklists must be submitted ONLINE. Student organizations must meet with Advisors FOUR WEEKS in advance of any event – especially if contracts are involved. Once you have decided that you will need a contract for your event, complete the Contract Checklist online on the getINVOLVED website

After submitting your request, follow up with your Advisor to review the information and then they will provide the supplier with the contract and W-9 form. The request for a contract should be submitted at least FOUR WEEKS before your event. Contracts WILL NOT be developed with less than two weeks prior to the event. 

At this point, you should also submit a SABO check request or transfer if the supplier is a Rutgers University employee or student. Remember, contracting with a Rutgers University employee or student will require your organization to pay an additional 7.5% of the total cost to cover taxes and benefits. 

Have the supplier sign and return the contract within ONE WEEK from the time sent. (Signed contracts MUST be returned, along with a completed W-9 form, no later than two weeks prior to the event.) 

The signed contract has to come back to Student Involvement and Leadership for your Advisor’s signature. (Faxed or scanned copies are acceptable.) 

After the contract is signed, it is reviewed, recorded, and copied for the supplier and the student organization’s file. The contract is given to SABO for processing. SABO will not cut a check for the supplier without the signed contract. 

One week before the event, SABO receives the contract and cross references check or transfer requests. If the check is to be mailed out, the check and copy of the contract are mailed to the supplier. If the check is to be picked up, it is your responsibility to go to SABO during business hours to pick up the check. Checks should be given to suppliers at the event, not after. The only case for providing a late check would be for a price per person situation.

What holds up your contract checks?

  • Forgetting to submit a SABO check request.
  • Delay in return of signed contract from supplier.
  • Missing a W-9 Form.

Examples of services that require a contract (not all inclusive):

  • Non-Rutgers Catering
  • Off-Campus Banquets/Retreats
  • Performers/Lecturers (paid or unpaid)
  • Non-Rutgers Equipment Rental
  • Vendor Sales at Events/Programs

Things to Remember:

  • Members of the organization CANNOT be paid for a speaking engagement/performance, etc.
  • All speakers and facilitators must sign a contract even if they are not receiving a fee.
  • The speaker/facilitator and your Advisor must sign contracts at least two weeks prior to the event date.
  • Student organization members should NEVER sign contracts on behalf of the organization.
  • Rutgers employees will be paid via their paychecks if they are eligible to be paid for their services (i.e., a biology professor who is a member of a jazz band that is performing during an event can be paid because they are providing a service that is not part of their job). Staff and Faculty who perform a service/provide a lecture or keynote, etc. that is related to their line of work SHOULD NOT BE PAID.
  • Supplier must provide a certificate of insurance with $2,000,000.00 aggregate (including product liability). Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey shall be named an additional insured and such insurance shall be primary and non-contributory.


Minimum Insurance Requirement

Rutgers University requires any supplier (including bands) with whom we contract to provide a certificate of insurance with $2,000,000 minimum limit of general liability insurance, naming Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, as an additional insured when returning their signed contract. Learn more here.

Events and Program Planning Guidelines

Program Planning Checklist

The Program Planning Checklist is a guide you will find helpful as you plan your events. It details the timelines of actions your organization must take to successfully execute an event. You can download it here.

Chalking On Campus

The University chalking policy may be found on the University Free Expression Website:

Event Security

The Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD) collaborates with your Advisor and Student Centers and Activities staff to determine the type and number of officers necessary for security coverage at organizational programs and events.

If RUPD officers are assigned to your event, you or your Advisor will receive an invoice for services rendered. Provided the event is funded by RUSA Allocations, and a quote for security-related services is received, reviewed, and approved in advance by your Advisor, RUSA Allocations will cover RUPD costs for student organization events.

If you receive funding from RBGA and SEBS Allocations, you must contact them for additional funds.

Learn more about the Security Policy.

Large Events

The Division of Student Affairs defines “Large Events” as programs with many complex variables regarding event type, attendance size, and facility limitations and use. Learn more about Large Events, including Cash Handling, Guest, Metal Detector, Security, and Ticket Sale Policies here

Note: Large, outside events need prior permission from your Advisor and other appropriate entities before any planning of the event is to take place. Large, outside events are approved on a case-by-case basis.

Off-Campus Events

At certain times, registered student organizations will sponsor events at an off-campus facility. Student organizations are not encouraged to host off-campus events because it limits the opportunity for students to participate. However, should your organization plan such an event, it is required that you schedule an appointment with your organization’s Advisor and to keep them involved in your planning process from the beginning.

Issues to keep in mind when planning off campus events:

  • Liability
  • Negotiation of contracts (with the facility’s management)
  • Financial management (off-campus facilities can be quite costly)
  • Security


  • Contracts for off-campus events will not be signed unless all necessary funds are on deposit in Student Activities Business Office (SABO).
  • Tickets must be sold in advance of any off-campus scheduled program.
  • At the completion of the event, all contracted financial obligations should be satisfied by a Rutgers University Student Activities Business Office Accounting Check.


Public Viewing of Films/Movies

The showing of movies/films is a popular program for student organizations. However, it is important that student organizations abide by “public performance” laws to ensure they are not infringing upon film makers’ copyrights. Renting a movie without public distribution licensing or bringing in a personal copy to show your membership for the general public is ILLEGAL and subjects the parties involved (students, your organization, and possibly the university) to fines up to $50,000. To abide by the copyright laws, a site license must be purchased.

What is a “Public Performance?”

A public viewing, or “performance,” of a film or video includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Showing a film/video in places open to the public.
  • Showing a film/video to certain groups of people gathered in places not open to the public (such as a residence hall floor, fraternity house, private lounge area, etc.).
  • Showing a film or video by broadcast or transmission.

A good rule to follow is: a “public performance” is any film/video viewing that extends beyond the scope of a single family or friends.

Some common student organization programs that would require the securing of a site license are: movies/videos shown in Student Centers, academic space and/or residence halls, and outdoor movies.

The organization is required to purchase a site license, whether or not the film/video is advertised or admission is charged/if it is free. In addition, the organization’s status (not-for-profit) does not impact the group’s requirement to purchase a license. Any group that publicly presents a motion picture (by using a VCR/DVD player, pre-recorded video cassette, DVD, rental, streaming service - Netflix, Hulu, etc., or unauthorized interception of a cable transmission) without first securing permission from the copyright owner violates the Copyright Act and subjects themselves to statutory damages, forfeiture of equipment and tapes, and attorney fees. Student organizations need to be aware that the penalties for copyright infringement may include substantial fines and imprisonment.

Exceptions for Obtaining a Movie Copyright

There are two times when movie copyrights do not need to be obtained.

1. Movies for In Classroom Use

In-classroom performance of copyrighted videotapes are permissible under the following conditions:

  • The performance is by instructors or by pupils.
  • The performance is part of the class curriculum.
  • The performance is in connection with face-to-face teaching activities.
  • The entire audience is involved in the teaching activity.
  • The entire audience is in the same room or same general area.
  • The teaching activities are conducted by a non-profit educational institution.
  • The performance takes place in a classroom or similar place devoted to instruction, such a school library, gym, auditorium, or workshop.
  • The videotape is lawfully made; the person responsible had no reason to believe that the videotape was unlawfully made.

2. Movies from Joyce Kilmer Library

Any movie that is checked out from the Joyce Kilmer Library already contains a copyright through the library; therefore, this movie can be shown to Rutgers University, and greater community, without needing to purchase a copyright.
Please note that student organizations must borrow the film from the library and may not show a personal copy that the library also owns.

How Do We Obtain a Site License?

To secure a site license for a video or a film, the student organization must contact a major film distributor, such as Swank Motion Pictures or New Yorker Films. These companies distribute films of the major studios and are equipped to provide licenses for public viewings.

Licenses can be purchased for a one-time viewing, multiple viewings, or for the viewings of several films/videos over an extended period of time. Keep in mind that licenses are provided for films/videos that are rented “through an authorized dealer.” Videos that are rented from a retail outlet (i.e., RedBox, Netflix, etc.) are provided for home use only and the retail owner cannot legally provide the broader rights available through a distributor.

In addition, when an individual or organization buys a film/video, it does not give them the right to view it publicly. Ownership of a film/video and the right to publicly show it are two different things. The first time the organization shows the film/video outside the home or to an audience beyond family and friends, they have violated the copyright law and may be liable.

Who Should We Contact?

New Yorker Films: 212-645-4600

Swank Motion Pictures: 800-876-5577

Motion Picture Assoc. of America: 914-333-8892

Rutgers University Media Center: 732-932-9783

Raffles and Games of Chance

Games of Chance, limited to raffles and bingo, are lawful activities in the State of New Jersey when, and only when, the sponsoring organization is registered with the state and licensed with the local township in which the drawing takes place and the prizes are awarded.  

The initial procedure to register a sponsoring organization and license their activity is as follows. Additional guidelines from the New Jersey Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission may apply once a sponsoring organization becomes registered. 

The sponsoring organization must first submit an Initial Affidavit and Application for Biennial Registration (found at: at the bottom of the page, click Applications), along with the organization’s constitution and bylaws, to the New Jersey Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission. Political clubs and organizations are not eligible to apply for registration. 

There is a fee for the registration certificate ($100, non-refundable) and it is a biennial (2-year) registration for the requesting organization. Checks must be made payable to the “Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission.”  

If approved, the registration certificate will be mailed to the requesting organization along with a copy of the legalized games of chance laws for the State of New Jersey, which usually takes up to 90 days if the application is filled out completely and satisfactorily.  

For additional information, contact: 

New Jersey Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission 
P.O. Box 46000 
Newark, NJ 07101 
(973) 273-8000 phone 
(973) 648-4908 fax

Special Note: 
Rutgers University in no way endorses or encourages organizations to hold or sponsor bingo and raffle events. The above procedures have been enumerated for information purposes only. The Division of Student Affairs and Rutgers University accept no responsibility or liability for legalized games of chance sponsored by student organizations. Adherence to the appropriate procedures and applicable state and local municipality laws and ordinances is the sole responsibility of the sponsoring organization. The sponsoring organization will be in violation of state and local law if tickets are printed and/or sold or if a bingo or raffle event is advertised or publicized prior to receiving the New Jersey registration certificate and the local municipal games of chance license.

Food and Catering Guidelines

Alcohol Policy

Possession, consumption, or being under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances (without a prescription from a doctor), or illegal drugs is prohibited at all events and activities sponsored, co-sponsored or hosted by a Rutgers University Registered Student Organization, where student fees are paying for all or part of the event.

There are limited instances where alcoholic beverages may be served with advance permission, requested at least thirty (30) business days in advance. Alcohol use in the Student Centers must follow all university and State laws. Organizations wishing to serve alcohol must gain approval of their Advisor and the Student Centers’ Meetings and Events team by completing the required forms, applications, and approvals. Alcoholic beverages may be served only to those of legal drinking age.

Submitting a request does not guarantee approval.

The following policies apply to all student organization events:

  • No intoxicated individuals will be permitted in the Student Centers.
  • Disorderly persons will be barred and evicted from the Student Centers in accordance with the normal operating procedures of the Rutgers University Police Department.

Registered student organizations are not permitted to hold bar nights.

Catering Options

Contact information for approved Student Center Caterers is listed here.

Student Center Cash Coupons are another option for catering your event, and provide an easy, affordable, and convenient way to provide meals for your event guests. They also provide an easy way to accommodate a variety of tastes. The coupons are accepted at all food vendors in the Student Centers.  

For organizations wanting to subsidize the cost of catering, Rutgers University Dining Services offers two ways to allow guests to use meal swipes in advance for your event. The Meal Exchange Program and Meal Swipe for Catered Event Credit both provide food or meal credit for students who will attend the scheduled event. For more information, see the Meal Donation/Meal Exchange/Catered Event policy in the policy section of the Dining Services website:

Homemade Foods
Homemade foods are not allowed to be served at meetings or functions at university facilities because they pose a risk to the health safety of the community. Homemade foods/foods that have to be prepared (i.e., food that needs to be temperature controlled; sandwich fixings that are not from approved on-campus caterers) are not permitted at any programs, events, lectures, or meetings.  

Bake Sales are the only instance during which the use of homemade food items is permitted and are subject to specific guidelines and procedures (See Bake Sale Section). 

Potluck meals are not permitted due to potential risks related to transporting items that require temperature control (heating or cooling) and unsanitary food preparation conditions. 

Cookouts, BBQs, and Picnics
Cooking is NOT permitted, and the use of open flames is prohibited. Food preparation will only be permitted by university-approved caterers or by Rutgers University Dining Services. Student organizations wishing to hold picnics and BBQs are required to attend a Food Safety Workshop and obtain permission from their Advisor. 

All cold beverages must be Coca-Cola products. 

Specialty Catering 
The Specialty Catering list is generated each year and is only to be used if University Caterers cannot meet the needs of a specific student organization event. Specialty catering may not be used for general meetings. 

Student organizations who would like to use a Specialty Caterer must consult the Advisor at least four weeks prior to your event. 
Food and beverages are NOT permitted in classrooms and academic buildings. 

Food Safety Workshop
A “Food Safety Workshop” is offered during the academic year through Student Involvement and Leadership with the help of Rutgers Dining Services. This course is provided for students who want to have cookouts and purchase food from grocery stores. Unless this workshop is attended by those people handling food, no students will be allowed to pre-purchase any type of perishable foods to be prepared without the assistance of RU Dining Services, or another approved caterer/vendor under any circumstances. 

RU Dining Services
All student organizations that have NOT met with the University Sanitarian to go over the proper procedures for handling and cooking food MUST use Rutgers Dining Services (to purchase the food and to have them prepare and cook all food items). 

Food Safety Workshops are offered throughout the year as part of the Student Org Essentials Series. Please be on the lookout for announcements regarding the workshops. 

*Juicing events are not permitted. 

Donated Food

All donated foods must come from an approved food provider whose sanitation and liability insurance is approved by your Advisor and the Student Centers or other university venue. In some cases, this would mean they should be recognized and registered by the Rutgers University Sanitarian.

Student organizations must meet with their Advisor to gain appropriate documentation in order for donated food to be approved.

Food at General Meetings

When is it appropriate for student organizations to have food at meetings?

  • When the meeting is a Recruitment meeting/program (i.e. first meeting of semester/year);
  • Celebratory meeting (end of semester/end of year);
  • During trainings/retreats

Guidelines for Food at General Meetings:

  • Funding for food for general student organization meetings must come from GENERATED REVENUE or ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE (Line 137 or 317).
  • Food items must either be prepackaged or be catered by a Student Center vendor or Rutgers Dining Services. Food at meetings must be approved in advance by the Advisor. No contractual catering requests for meetings will be permitted unless there are circumstances approved by your Advisor.
  • Pre-packaged items may be provided by the student organization. This usually includes party size snacks (i.e., large bag of chips, cookies, pretzels, etc.).
  • Individually packaged snacks are preferred for safety reasons; party size is allowed on a case-by-case basis provided a meeting with your Advisor and strict adherence to food safety standards (gloves, tongs, serving utensils utilized at all times as necessary).
  • Pre-packaged items requiring temperature control (heating or cooling) are not permitted.  
  • All cold beverages must be Coca-Cola products.

Food and beverages are NOT permitted in classrooms and academic buildings.

Food at Programs/Events/Lectures, etc.

The success of your event is directly linked to your level of preparation, the timeliness of your requests, and accuracy of details provided to university departments assisting with your event planning. Food preparation will only be permitted by university-approved caterers or by Rutgers University Dining Services.

Student organizations are encouraged to utilize the vendors in the Student Centers, as well as Rutgers Dining Services for all of your catering needs. Student Center vendors are paid via invoice, while Dining Services is paid via contract. Please have your Advisor sign the Dining Services contract on behalf of your organization.

For a list of approved caterers for student organization events, please see our Catering options.

To allow for proper approval and coordination with Student Involvement and Leadership, Student Centers, and the catering provider, intent to provide food MUST be indicated during the reservation booking process, at least four weeks before the scheduled event date.

The RUSA Allocations processes allow for limited catering related to events. If there are not enough funds for catering, Generated Revenue (Line 137) can be used to pay for the food that is pre-approved.

Meal Packaging Events

Student organizations may have meal packaging events, but must follow the following policies:

  • Meal Packaging events should be for a specific community partner that has been contacted and agreed to accept the packaged meals. 
  • Student organizations may NOT use temperature-controlled items when packaging meals (i.e., deli meats, mayonnaise, salads). We recommend peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! 
  • When preparing meals, student organizations must:
    1. Wear gloves
    2. Cover tables with plastic tablecloths
    3. Use plastic utensils
    4. Clean the space and throw away all used items


Sale of Food Items

Candy Sales

Fundraisers that include candy (i.e. Candy-Grams) are acceptable, provided that all candy is pre-packaged and individually wrapped. Unacceptable candy includes items such as M&M’s that are opened and sorted out, or any type of bulk candy that is not individually packaged. You should never open or touch any candy that you are distributing to others as part of your fundraiser.

Bake Sales

Student organizations who wish to hold a bake sale in a Student Center or academic space can reserve a table by going to and should abide by the Fundraising, Ticket, and Vendor Sales policies (See “Tabling in Student Centers” Section). Only homemade baked goods (items that do not have to be temperature controlled) may be sold at tables reserved for bake sales. No other foods are permitted. 

At your Bake Sale, it is suggested you have available a list of ingredients for each item for sale, and REQUIRED that you have a visible and obvious sign that states: “Items for sale were not prepared in a commercial kitchen and thus may have a higher risk of allergens associated with foodborne illness.” 

Student organizations may use Venmo for fundraising tables (i.e. Bake Sales) in the Student Centers. You must discuss with your advisor the use of Venmo prior to using it at a fundraiser. 

Student Center and Reservation Guidelines

Charitable Donation Policy

In limited circumstances, registered student organizations may use proceeds from approved fundraising events to make donations to non-profit charitable organizations. Student organizations satisfying these requirements may fundraise subject to Advisor approval.  

Beneficiaries of such events must be recognized 501(c)(3) charitable tax-exempt organizations. A tax-exempt fiscal sponsor of a proposed beneficiary is insufficient to satisfy this requirement. An Advisor may require a tax ID number and tax-exempt certificate documenting the beneficiary organization’s 501(c)(3) status prior to approval. Donation checks must be made payable to the approved beneficiary, and a letter, issued on official letterhead, confirming receipt of the funds by the beneficiary is required for all donations. 

Proceeds from fundraising events may only be used for lawful purposes. Under no circumstances may RUSA Allocations be used to fund donations. Charitable donations to individual persons are strictly prohibited. 

Student Center room reservation fees (excluding equipment and setup charges) may be waived for student organization events whose purpose is to raise funds for an approved beneficiary. In order to receive this fee waiver, a student organization must provide the Event Coordinator with the approved beneficiary’s tax-exempt certificate as well as a letter from the beneficiary charitable organization, on its letterhead, acknowledging the student organization’s commitment to donate 100% of the proceeds (i.e., no monies staying in Generated Revenue). The student organization must submit the fee waiver at least 21 calendar days prior to the date of the fundraising. 

See also: Sections on Cash Handling Policy and Fundraising, and Vendor Sales 

For more information on creating check requests for Donations, please see the Treasurer’s Key on the SABO website.

Dining Hall Table Reservations

Your organization may reserve tables in the Dining Halls for various uses including: holding sign-ups for an upcoming event, distributing information about your organization, or conducting fundraisers.

For additional information and guidelines, please visit the Dining Services website.

Reservations for Meetings and Events in Student Centers and Academic Space

Student organization event reservations must be made four weeks in advance. Space for these events may be reserved up to one year in advance of the date for which the reservation is made (e.g., on October 24, 2022, you may reserve event space through October 24, 2023). This process ensures effective planning of events and fosters communication between your organization, the Student Centers and Activities staff, and your Advisor.

To reserve event space, all registered student organizations must log on to Student organizations may also call Meetings and Events at 848-932-8821 or email   

Every registered organization is eligible for an online group account. Please contact Meeting and Events if your organization does not have access to your account information. Learn more about student organization space requests, including meeting room and academic space reservations, by visiting our Host an Event page.  

Please note: The last day student organizations can program and reserve space is the last class day of each semester. No reservations or events can occur after the last day of classes. 

All space requests, whether submitted online or via email, are reviewed by Meetings and Events staff.  You will receive a reservation status update via email within three business days after submitting your request. Make sure you contact your assigned Events Coordinator to go over specific set up needs for your events in the Student Centers. Failure to do so by specified deadlines may result in cancellation of your event(s). 

Student organization meetings and events are open to any member of the Rutgers community.  Student organizations are expected to keep their getINVOLVED profiles, websites, and all social media accounts (or other modes of advertising organizational activities) up to date with information regarding dates, times, and locations. 
Student organizations may reserve meeting room space in the student Centers for the upcoming academic year during the spring semester re-registration process.  Organizations that do not request space as part of this process will be able to reserve meeting rooms on a first-come, first-served basis (up to 24 hours in advance). Meetings that have an event component must follow the timeline outlined above. 

Payment for Services

Room rental invoices will be processed for payment from your SABO account. You can check your SABO statement or follow up with your Advisor to ensure the bill is paid. Any questions regarding the payment process or specific charges on an invoice should be directed to your Student Center Event Coordinator or the Meeting and Events team.

Room Arrangement Guidelines

All student organizations must contact Facilities Maintenance Services before large events in academic spaces. 

Digital Classroom Support

To request use of equipment in classrooms, fill out the form found here.

Building Usage Guidelines

  • Smoking is not permitted in any university facility.
  • Unauthorized or misuse of university space will result in disciplinary action with the possible loss of reservation privileges on any campus. Facilities Maintenance Services (FMS) will notify the appropriate campus authority in writing of any problems incurred.
  • Nothing may be attached to the walls or suspended from the ceilings.
  • Projection screens mounted to classroom walls or ceilings must never be used as backdrops for theatrical events.
  • Furniture must be returned to its original setup.

Additional criteria for reserving academic space:

  • Classroom spaces may be reserved if a Student Center cannot accommodate the request.
  • Events that require registration fees may not be scheduled in classroom spaces without the consent of Advisor.
  • Events held in classrooms may only be open to the university community.
  • No moving of furniture/stacking of desks is permitted.
  • The option to reserve for a performance/play should be for performance-based organizations and not for the sponsorship/hosting of a performance/play. Performance-based organizations may not reserve space for the hosting of competitions or performances by outside groups.
  • Academic space is not available Monday – Thursday until after 10pm.


Payment for Services

Room rental invoices will be processed for payment from your SABO account. You can check your SABO statement or follow up with your Advisor to ensure the bill is paid. Any questions regarding the payment process or specific charges on an invoice should be directed to your Student Center Event Coordinator or the Meeting and Events team.

Ticket Sales

The Student Activities Business Office (SABO) provides Tickets Sales both in-person and online sales to registered accountholders.

  • Please see your advisor to learn how to create a Tix account for your upcoming event.
  • All potential sales must be vetted by both the Advisor and SABO.
  • All first-time sales will be evaluated for the feasibility for the potential of tickets that will be sold. Priority online access will be given to past successful events.
  • All online sales applications must be received and reviewed at least two weeks prior to ticket sale date to allow for set up.
  • All online sales must have a minimum sale amount of 100 tickets.
  • All funds for event expenses must be in the accountholders SABO account BEFORE the event. This includes all fundraising, allocations, special event funding or donations. Estimated generated ticket sales will not be considered.
  • If the sale is approved, the contact must work with a SABO designee in setting up the online sale. 
  • Tickets to be sold at the SABO window require a minimum of 2 days notice, before the sale. Pre-numbered tickets must be provided at the SABO office 1 day before the sale is to begin.
  • All credit card sales at the SABO window are subject to a 3.5% credit card charge. Credit cards and cash can be used for the purchase of tickets at the SABO window.
  • All online sales will receive a weekly email with the amount of tickets sold.
  • All online ticket sales have a $1.50 service charge.
  • Student organizations MAY NOT hold online ticket sales outside of the SABO system.
  • Student organizations MAY NOT utilize Paypal, Chase Quickpay, Square Cash, or any other payment sharing system. Student organizations may use Venmo for fundraising tables, like Bake Sales, in the Student Centers, but cannot use for the sale of tickets or for admittance to events at any time.

For more information, visit the SABO website. 

Student Organization General Guidelines

Distribution of a Publication/Product on “Behalf” of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

If a student organization intends to engage in any fundraising activity that involves the distribution of a publication/product on “behalf” of the university, the organization must receive written confirmation from Division of Student Affairs that it is university-approved. This can be achieved by contacting the organization’s Advisor with all details of the publication or product. This includes, but is not limited to: planners, brochures, booklets, calendars, posters, coupon booklets.

If the student organization does not receive the explicit written confirmation of approval for such products, the student organization and/or the individual students will be responsible for any and all costs associated with the initiative.

Additionally, if the organization wishes to have materials delivered and/or distributed in the Student Centers, permission must be granted by Student Centers and Activities staff. The Student Centers have the right to refuse delivery if arrangements are not coordinated.

Student Centers and Activities requests that all student organizations include the following disclaimer on every issue of a newspaper, newsletter, magazine, or any other printed or electronic publication they produce:

“The views, opinions and representations in [name of student organization] are those of the student organization and do not represent the views, opinions or representations of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.”

Distribution of Publications by Student Organizations in Student Centers

This policy governs the use of Student Centers as a distribution point for newspapers, journals, pamphlets, brochures, advertising, and other related materials.

All materials should originate from a Rutgers University department or student organization, and must be approved by an appropriate university representative. The representative will provide written approval for distribution to the Student Center Director or their designee. The representative should provide a general description of the publications, journals, pamphlet, brochure, or advertising; quantity for distribution; arrival and removal date; and contact information.

Student organizations with weekly, biweekly, annual, or semesterly publications to be displayed at the Student Centers must request approval from Student Centers and Activities staff two weeks prior to the requested display date. Failure to submit a written request to display these publications will result in the removal of the publication from the information desk or approved display areas.

Student Centers will refuse delivery of all items if this process is not followed.

Student Centers and Activities reserves the right to refuse any material which violates the student code of conduct and any university policies.

Hazing Policy

Acceptable Behavior:

The pledge/new member initiation process should be conducted in a manner which respects the dignity of pledges/new members and protects their mental and physical well-being.
Examples of acceptable behavior include pledge/new member activities that are not classified as hazing, but promote scholarship and service, develop leadership and social skills, assist with career goals, involve students with alumni, improve relations with others, build awareness of fraternity/sorority history, instill a sense of brotherhood/sisterhood, foster solidarity, and promote the institutional mission of the university.

Statutory Authority:

Hazing is illegal in the state of New Jersey.  
This Pledge/New Member’s Bill of Rights was developed by the New Jersey Attorney General pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:3-24 et seq. 

State Definition of Hazing: 

Pursuant to New Jersey Statute: 

1. 2C:40-3. 

a. A person is guilty of hazing, a disorderly person’s offense, if, in connection with initiation of applicants to or members of a student or fraternal organization, he knowingly or recklessly organizes, promotes, facilitates or engages in any conduct, other than competitive athletic events, which places or may place another person in danger of bodily injury. 

b. A person is guilty of aggravated hazing; a crime of the fourth degree, if he commits an act prohibited in subsection and which results in serious bodily injury to another person. 


Notwithstanding any other provision of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes to the contrary, consent shall not be available as a defense to a prosecution under this act. 


Conduct constituting an offense under the Act may, at the discretion of the prosecuting attorney, be prosecuted under any other applicable provision of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes; and 

2. Other behaviors or activities in addition to those prohibited under N.J.S.A. 2C:40 et seq. defined as hazing by a university with respect to its students. 

Prohibition on Hazing: 

1. A pledge/new member shall have the right to be free of all activities which may constitute hazing while attempting to become a member of a fraternity or sorority, or other campus organization.  Campus organizations and their members are prohibited from engaging in or encouraging others to engage in activities that are defined as hazing. 

2. A broad range of behaviors that may place another person in danger of bodily injury or behavior that demonstrates indifference or disregard for another person’s dignity or well-being may be classified as hazing under the above definition.  Examples include, but are not limited to the following: 

a) Forcing, requiring or endorsing members to drink alcohol or any other substance and/or providing such alcohol or other substance; 

b) The unauthorized or illegal use of alcohol in any form or quantity during any activity; 

c) Calisthenics (sit-ups, push-ups and runs); 

d) Branding and tattooing; 

e) Pushing, shoving, punching, whipping, beating, tackling or any other physical abuse; 

f) Unauthorized line-ups of any nature; 

g) Throwing anything (garbage, water, paint, etc.) at an individual; 

h) Any form of paddling, physical abuse, psychological abuse, deception or shocks; 

i) Requiring individuals to walk or march in formation of any kind; 

j) Publicly wearing apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste (uniforms, head apparel, boots/shoes, etc.); 

k) Not permitting individuals to speak for extended periods of time and/or forced exclusion from social contact; 

l) Preventing any person from practicing personal hygiene; 

m) Any activity which interferes with an individual’s scholastic pursuits (class attendance, preparation, study time, etc.) 

n) Forced consumption of food or other substances; 

o) Theft, defacement or destruction of private or public property 

p) Conducting unauthorized scavenger hunts, treasure hunts, quests, road trips, paddle hunts, big brother/little brother hunts, big sister/little sister hunts; 

q) Engaging in public stunts and buffoonery, public displays or greetings; 

r) Servitude of any nature (food runs, personal errands, academic work, etc.); 

s) Permitting less than six consecutive hours of sleep each night; 

t) Nudity or exposure to the elements at any time; 

u) Yelling, screaming or calling individuals demeaning names; 

v) Engaging in unauthorized activities which involve compelling an individual or group of individuals to remain at a certain location or transporting anyone anywhere, within or outside the city of New Brunswick (road trips, kidnaps, sneaks, drops, etc.); 

w) Assigning or endorsing “pranks” (stealing composites, trophies, mascots, etc.) 

x) Carrying of any items (paddles, bricks, rocks, pocket change, dog collars, signature books, etc.) 

y) Forcing, requiring or endorsing members to violate any University policy or any local, state or federal law. 

Non-Discrimination Policy

University sponsored clubs or organizations have certain obligations with regard to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Older Americans Act of 1975; and the policies established at Rutgers through the Board of Governors.

Consideration should be given to:


Clubs and organizations may not deny membership to anyone on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, military service, and veteran status, and any other category protected by law; with the exception of social sororities or fraternities which are entitled by law to remain single-sex organizations if tax exempt under 504a of IRS code 1954.


Clubs and organizations shall not discriminate on the basis race, creed, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, disability, marital status, familial status, affectional or sexual orientation, or veteran status in providing aids, benefits or services to students.

Policy for Guidelines and Behaviors for Registered Student Organizations on Campus

The following actions could be judged to be injurious to the health, safety, and public welfare of the university community, and are not acceptable activities on the part of student organizations on campus: 

A. Any action that adversely impacts the academic or vocational pursuits of students or their health. 

B. Seeking to force or coerce – physically, emotionally, or by harassment – any student into religious activity or affiliation. This would include attempts to change the religious affiliation of a student by emotional pressure, harassment, or disparagement of other groups or doctrines.  

C. Any action that removes students by pressure or force from the campus. This may include peer pressure, emotional pressure, or the pressure that arises from the strong relationship of a student to a group. 

D. Any action that adversely impacts the financial status or conditions of students. 

E. Engaging in false or deceptive promotions or advertising concerning a group or its activities. This includes both direct deception (e.g., claiming that a group is something that it is not), and deception by omission (e.g., failing to disclose that a campus religious group is affiliated with a particular religious organization). 

F. Intruding by uninvited visit at dining hall tables, into residence halls, or other private areas in which students should expect privacy. 

G. Barraging students with repeated and or unwanted phone calls, mail, e-mail, or text messages. 

H. The involvement of non-students or others unrelated to the university who pose as students for the sake of solicitation. 

I. Student organizations and its members on campus will adhere to all Rutgers University policies and procedures, and local, state, and federal laws. All activities must comply in full with the regulations established in the Rutgers University Code of Conduct, Rutgers University Sexual Harassment Policy, Rutgers Hazing Policy, and Student Involvement Student Organization Incident Policy as well as any other agreements made with authorized University officials regarding such activities. 

Fundamentally, students have the right to choose their affiliations, or even to choose no affiliation. They have the right to choose their own friends, to make their own career decisions, to choose their own classes and majors, to read the books they want and to discuss the ideas that interest them, and to relate to their families in the way that they choose. These rights of choice should be acknowledged and respected by all recognized student organizations. 

Policy on Organizational Relationships with Groups outside the University

Student organizations that have a relationship with a “parent” or national/international organization must present documentation regarding their affiliation and a copy of the parent organization’s constitution and/or guidelines when seeing initial recognition or re-registering. The policies and procedures of the university, as well as local, state and federal laws prevail over those of any parent or national/international organizations.

All decision making/policy setting will remain under local, campus administrative authority.

Further, the student organization shall abide by all applicable rules and regulations of the university and under the privileges as granted by the Division of Student Affairs and by the rules and regulations of the Board of Governors.

Trademark and Licensing

Student organizations, as entities of the university, when purchasing imprinted supplies such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, caps, mugs, promotional items, etc., must use a vendor licensed by the Rutgers Trademark Licensing Department regardless of design. Consult your Advisor if you are ordering items imprinted with your organization name or any other Rutgers trademarks to be sure you are in compliance with trademark licensing guidelines.  

The Trademark Licensing website has a list of licensed vendors as well as information on the appropriate use of Rutgers trademarks. For a list of approved vendors, visit the website at You are welcome to contact the Trademark Licensing staff (Elyse Carlson, 848-932-0558) for help with finding an item or designing an imprint that will meet your promotional needs. This assistance is free of charge.

Responsible Computer Usage

Here at Rutgers, there are multiple communication tools that allow you to connect with your organization’s members. The university provides some of these computing resources for your use; however, please remember that these resources are shared by the entire university community. Together we share responsibility with all students, faculty and staff to use computer resources appropriately. Details of the Acceptable Use Policy can be accessed here.
The Office of Information Technology is committed to providing the computing resources and support to enable the Rutgers community to achieve its mission. If you need further assistance, please contact the New Brunswick Computing Services Help Desk, 445-HELP (4357) or send email to

Sales in Academic Spaces

Sales in an academic space are subject to different guidelines and procedures than those in Student Center spaces. To sell in an academic space, the intent of sale must be specific to fundraising for the student organization or a charity. Student organizations are not permitted to bring in outside vendors/organizations or resell goods purchased from outside organizations/vendors. Student organizations are permitted to have bake sales in academic spaces (see Food and Catering Guidelines for additional information).


  • Student organizations must secure a reservation for the space a minimum of five days in advance using Virtual EMS:
  • Reservations are based on availability. You will receive a confirmation email regarding your reservation.

The following is NOT PERMITTED:

  • Selling items that require temperature control (i.e., no milk, yogurt, pizza, etc.).
  • Reselling goods purchased from outside organizations or vendors. (Sale items should be homemade baked goods by the student organization.)
  • Removal of tables/chairs from classrooms.
  • Loud music or loud voices. (Student organizations are responsible for respecting the academic environment of the sale.)

For more information, click here.

Venmo Policy

Student organizations may utilize Venmo when conducting small fundraisers for product sales such as bake sales, flower sales, candy sales, etc., in all Student Centers.  

The Venmo transactions must be redeemed, and all funds raised using Venmo must be deposited in the student organization’s SABO account within 72 hours of the fundraiser via cash or a check. 

Additionally, all cash collected at contact tables must be deposited at the Student Center administrative office in which the sale takes place and/or nearest Student Center to the academic space. Deposited funds will be transported to the SABO office to be deposited in the organization’s SABO account. 

At this time, Venmo can be used for product sales only. Venmo is prohibited to be used for ticket sales. Online ticket sales may be utilized when a student organization is planning on selling 100+ tickets. Please be sure to review further information regarding online ticket sales for your events. If you have any questions, please contact your Advisor.

Student Organization Incident Policy (SOIP)

View the Student Organization Incident Policy here.


The primary purposes for the existence and operation of the Student Organization Incident Policy (SOIP) will be to foster students’ personal and social development, to maintain and enhance the ethical climate on campus, and to better prepare students to handle the responsibilities of citizenship. Student Centers and Activities’ Student Involvement and Leadership team works in conjunction with the Department of Student Conduct on this policy.

Student Involvement and Leadership recognizes and registers student organizations. Student Involvement and Leadership reserves the right to review this recognition and registration policy and the privileges associated with it at any time. The Student Organization Incident Policy (SOIP) policy describes the process used by Student Involvement and Leadership to:

  1. Determine if a registered student organization or officer is in violation of any Student Involvement and Leadership or university policies, as well as municipal, state, or federal laws.
  2. Outline a procedure to be followed when an allegation of misconduct is made or of not following policy procedure.

The intent of this policy is to define the circumstances and a process to address violations should it become necessary for Student Involvement and Leadership to review the conduct of a registered student organization. This process works in conjunction with Student Involvement and Leadership. Student Involvement and Leadership reserves the right to refer students and/or organizations to the Department of Student Conduct at any time. This policy serves as a notice to all student organizations regarding Student Involvement and Leadership’s right to grant, rescind, suspend, or restrict privileges of organizations and/or officers, or take other such action upon a showing of cause.

It is important that the rights and privileges of organizations, along with the rights and obligations of the university and Student Involvement and Leadership are protected.

Policy Overview

Student Involvement and Leadership has established policies and expectations for student organizations seeking or wishing to maintain recognition. In return for meeting these expectations, Student Involvement and Leadership provides certain services and programs designed to enhance the organization’s development and to assist in its leadership. Rutgers University and Student Centers and Activities expects student organizations to meet these expectations and provides opportunities for student input into policies regulating these groups.

If a student organization or officer has an incident in which they violate Student Involvement and Leadership or the university’s policies and/or municipal, state, or federal laws, Student Centers and Activities and Rutgers University reserve the right to withdraw registration of the officer and/or group. In addition, Student Involvement and Leadership reserves the right to deny the organization and/or officer those privileges given to Rutgers University registered organizations or to take other action as defined in this policy.

The Advisory Council of students is responsible for adjudicating the incidents that reach the meeting stage and make their recommendations for sanctions of those incidents.

The Advisory Council is comprised of:

  1. Associate Director of Student Involvement and Leadership
  2. Graduate Intern
  3. Undergraduate Intern of the Advisory Council
  4. At Large Member from student organizations
  5. Peer Advisors of the Advisory Council


Organization Responsibilities

This policy was created with the intent of fostering responsible conduct of student organizations regarding event planning, contract procedure, catering policy, alcohol policy, payment procedures, and all other activities and initiatives associated with student organizations.

  1. All events and activities sponsored, co-sponsored, or hosted by the organization on or off the Rutgers University campus will comply in full with the regulations established in their corresponding governing boards.
  2. Organizations will adhere to all Rutgers University policies and procedures, and local, state, and federal laws. If an officer and/or organization is suspected to be in violation of any laws or policies, an investigation will ensue and the organization may lose operating privileges including, but not limited to, meeting space, event space, and account access until review is complete.
  3. Student organizations must comply with applicable federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, disability, marital status, familial status, affectional or sexual orientation, or veteran status. (The prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sex does not apply to social fraternities and sororities which are exempt from taxation under section 501-A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, the active membership of which primarily exists of students in attendance at institutions of higher education.)
  4. Student organizations that have a relationship with a “parent” or national/international organization must present documentation regarding their affiliation, and a copy of the parent organization’s constitution and/or guidelines when registering. The policies and procedures of the university, as well as local, state and federal laws prevail over those of any parent or national/international organizations.
  5. The organization’s monies (including dues, donations, and fundraising income) must be maintained in an account at the Rutgers University Student Activities Business Office (SABO).
  6. An organization will pay a vendor/bill on time (on a specified date in the Vendor Contract, the Rutgers University Contract Addendum, vendor invoice, etc.), or present (non-contracted) and future events supported by this organization will be suspended until the outstanding bill is paid. However, in the event that a student organization is able to illustrate proper procedure history of said bill, then this clause will not apply.
  7. The organization must demonstrate that its services and programs benefit the Rutgers University community. Student Involvement and Leadership reserves the right to deny registration if it is believed that the organization does not meet the needs of Rutgers University.
  8. The organization must maintain a non-profit status and cannot be used to promote personal and financial gain and/or commercial enterprise for any of its members. The officers, members, and Advisor cannot use their position in the organization for any commercial and/or personal enterprise.


Incidents of Violation

A student organization may be held accountable when an offense is committed by one or more officers, members, or guests, and any of the conditions below apply:

  1. Organization funds are used to finance the incident;
  2. The violation is substantially supported by the organization’s membership;
  3. Officers or members approve or have knowledge of the violation, and did not attempt to prevent the infraction;
  4. The organization fails to report or chooses to protect those individuals.


  1. Response to Notice – Failure to make a timely response to any official request from a member of the faculty, administration, or staff. Official university or Student Involvement and Leadership correspondence mailed and/or email to student officer’s address of record is deemed sufficient as notice to the student. It is a student’s responsibility to notify Student Involvement and Leadership immediately of any change of address. 
  2. Misuse of University Facilities – Unauthorized or inappropriate use of any university facility or property. 
  3. Misuse of Materials – Unauthorized reading, removing, duplicating, photographing, and/or forging, counterfeiting, altering or misusing of any university material, file document or record, computer records, software, data files and similar entities owned or maintained by any member of the faculty, administration, staff or student body. 
  4. Failure to Comply – Failure to comply with authorized oral instructions from/or agreements with Student Involvement and Leadership staff, RUSA or related student boards, and/or student employees acting in accordance with their assigned duties. 
  5. False Information – Knowingly making a false oral or written statement to any university board, committee, office or member of the university faculty, administration, staff, or student body. 
  6. Misuse of Organization Funds – This includes not only misuse, but also use of funds without appropriate prior authorization by Advisor. Additionally, failure to reconcile cash advances within the specified timeframe is also a violation. Organization funds are considered to be the allocations, generated revenue, and donations received by the student organization. 
  7. Misuse of Identification – The use of falsified identification documents or of another’s identification card/document, including the use of another’s computer account/password. 
  8. Alcohol and Drug Policy – Possession, consumption, or being under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances without a prescription, or illegal drugs (i.e., marijuana) is prohibited at all events and activities sponsored, co-sponsored or hosted by a Rutgers University Registered Student Organization, where student fees are paying for all or part of the event. 
  9. Misuse of Property and University Resources – Destruction, damage, misuse, defacing of, or unauthorized usage or entry into university buildings or property, private property and personal property on the campus of the university, including but not limited to files, documents, records, computer systems, networks, and peripherals, owned or maintained by members of the faculty, administration, staff or student body. Intentional misuse of any university fire alarm or safety equipment is prohibited. 
  10. Hazing or Inappropriate Requirements for Organization Membership – This refers to any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into an organization. 
  11. Theft – The unauthorized taking, misappropriation or possession of any real, personal, or intellectual property owned or maintained by the university or any person on campus. 

NOTE: In addition to the group being held responsible, members and officers may be held accountable as individuals for their misconduct and be subject to the University Judicial procedures related to individual conduct that also violates the University’s Code of Student Conduct. Individuals who are alleged to have committed criminal violations will be reported to the police.

Reporting Incidents of Violation

Complaints or reports of violations can be made through Student Conduct by completing an Incident Reporting Form (located at: on the Student Conduct website:

Student Conduct will review all incidents and determine if the incident review will be conducted with Student Conduct and/or Student Involvement and Leadership based on the nature and severity of the incident. Student organization incidents may be reported by other officers, other student organizations, members of the university community, and/or an Advisor. In all cases, the student organization that is subject of a report will be given due process and every opportunity to answer the compliant against them.

Levels of Disciplinary Actions

In determining appropriate restitution to the university community, Student Involvement and Leadership and/or the SIAC will seek to take action that will restore and rehabilitate group conduct and governance. Meetings will be called by Advisor in Student Involvement and Leadership and the organization officer/s will be called in to discuss possible violations. Organizations will have an opportunity to explain the events surrounding a reported or discovered violation of policy. Results of meeting may include, but are not limited to: a Warning or Probation. Most of the violations and disciplinary sanctions will follow this course of action.

Such action should provide an opportunity for group education, reflection, renewal, and leadership development. In the application of this philosophy, levels of disciplinary action will be coupled with efforts to construct remedies that assure restoration of the group as a productive organization in the life of the university.  

The following are the possible courses of action that can be taken in relation to the severity and/or number of occurrences of certain violations: 

SIAC Hearing/Meeting – The organization and the complainant will be present. The council has the jurisdiction that shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
a. Alleged violations of university policies pertaining to student organizations; 
b. Violations of Student Involvement and Leadership policies and procedures; 
c. Violations by organizations, or their members, of the Code of Student Conduct when a relationship exists between the misconduct and the activities of the group; 
e. Controversies among student organizations.

Results of meeting may include, but are not limited to: a Warning, Probation, Suspension, or Loss of Registration.

Possible Sanctions


  1. Warning – An organization will be placed “on warning” for a specified period of time with all organization privileges still available. This can be automatically issued by the organization’s Advisor. The Advisor will notify the SIAC so that the warning can be on record. The Advisor will construct a development plan, which takes into consideration group needs. NOTE: Two warnings call for a probationary hearing in which the SIAC will decide which sanction is appropriate for the incident.
  2. Probation – This is a specified period of time in which a probationary hearing will determine the restrictions that will be placed on the organization including, but not limited to: SABO access, reserving space, and attending leadership workshops. A meeting with a member of the SIAC is required one week prior to the probationary period ending. The Advisor and SIAC will construct a plan for restitution which takes into consideration group needs.
  3. Suspension – The organization will not be permitted to exist at Rutgers University for a full semester. Not only will the organization be unable to operate in its assigned space, it may not utilize any funding, reserve university space, or otherwise hold events or general meetings during the period of suspension. The appropriate external or parent organizations (if applicable) will be advised of the decision to suspend the student organization.
  4. Loss of Registration – The group’s status as a registered student organization will be withdrawn until further notice. It will cease to exist and function at Rutgers University until it can be shown that all responsible officers/members are no longer involved in the organization. In this case, it is the responsibility of the student organization to provide assurances that the responsible members/officers are not involved in the organization. Student organizations that lose Rutgers University registration will be required to forfeit their group space and permanently cease to function as an organization on the campus. The appropriate external or parent organization (if applicable) will be advised of the action being taken. (Note: When an organization “loses registration” the Dean of Students, the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, and the Assistant Vice Chancellor of Student Engagement will be notified, as well as the Rutgers University Student Activities Business Office and Student Centers and Activities.)
  5. Loss of Officer Privileges – The student’s status as an officer of the organization will be withdrawn until further notice. The organization will cease to exist and function at Rutgers University until it can be shown that all responsible officers/members are no longer involved in the organization. NOTE: This can apply to one or more officers being removed while the organization may still be able to exist.

When a student organization denies responsibility for a violation, or if the transgression is most serious in nature, the Student Involvement Advisory Council (SIAC) will decide if the accused student organization and/or officer is responsible for the offense through a formal scheduled meeting.

***The sanctions listed above are recommended. Student Involvement and Leadership and the Advisory Council reserve the right to amend the recommended sanctions on a case-by-case basis. ***

The Advisory Council Hearing Process


  • All hearings/meetings will be scheduled at the earliest convenience of the organization, the complainant, and the council.
  • Probationary Hearing:
    • At least two e-board representatives of the organization must be present.
    • Both the organization and complainant will be allowed to bring any member of the university community to advise them at the meeting. Student organizations are expected to speak for themselves. No outside legal representatives will be allowed at a meeting.
    • At least two members must be present.
    • The SIAC members will lead the hearing and address the issues of the incident of violation.
    • All evidence available to SIAC prior to the meeting will be made available to the complainant, to the respondent, and to the meeting board.
    • The organization will have a chance to share any more information and/or documentation about the incident.
    • The SIAC will review the policy with the organization for future knowledge.
    • The SSIAC will deliberate in private to determine if there is clear and convincing evidence that the organization was responsible for the violation. This decision will be based solely on the information and evidence presented at the meeting. The SIAC will then make their recommendations.
  • Completed Probation Meeting:
    • This meeting will be during the final week of the probation period where the organization will meet with one SIAC member and review their improvement over their probationary period.


Travel Programs and Informed Consent Waivers

You must meet with your Advisor at least 6-8 weeks before your potential trip and follow the 2023 Travel Planning Checklist

Chaperone Policy

The necessity of a university representative on a student organization trip is dependent on the nature, destination, and duration of the trip. A university representative must be a full-time Student Affairs staff member, an approved coach/instructor, or an approved Faculty/Staff member of Rutgers University. The Student Involvement and Leadership team, in consultation with the Rutgers University Risk Management Office, will make the decision on the necessity of a representative’s presence on a trip.

A professional staff member or approved coach may be assigned to be in attendance for one or more of the following traveling conditions:

  •  Student organizations make nationals, and travel further than 350 miles
  •  Student organizations traveling internationally
  •  Student organizations traveling by air
  •  Student organizations traveling with more than seven students

For trips not requiring a representative, the student responsible for organizing the trip/travel program must be present during all phases of the trip. Please talk with your Advisor at least 30 days in advance when planning a trip to ensure you are aware of all that is required.


All student organizations must receive their Advisor’s approval prior to departure and have sufficient funds to cover travel expenses prior to the trip.

Driving Distance and Driver Responsibilities

Driving Distance

Student organization members may choose to drive to their destination, as long as the destination is no further than 350 miles and six hours in driving time. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of your Advisor and the Associate Directors of Student Involvement and Leadership, in consultation with relevant university departments who manage risk.

If approved by your Advisor, overnight stays are highly recommended for all trips involving six or more total driving hours. Drivers are mandated to stop every three hours behind the wheel, for a minimum of 15 minutes per stop. Vehicles driven by student organization members should NOT be on the road between the hours of 12am and 6am. Only student organization members and Advisors may be transported in these vehicles.

Only students with approved driving records are permitted to drive other students while traveling for a group program/project.

Student Driver Requirements

All students requesting driving privileges on- or off-campus for a student organization and approved travel must provide a copy of their driver’s license and, in some cases, proof that a defensive driving course has been completed.  

Proof of defensive driving certification is REQUIRED for rented vehicles and Rutgers-owned vehicles, and is strongly encouraged in all other cases. For information on defensive driving, go here.  

Drivers will also sign a special “driver” informed consent waiver that describes the risks of driving themselves and other trip participants to and from travel destinations. 

The maximum capacity of a passenger van is limited to nine people, including the driver. These occupancy limits extend to all twelve-passenger and fifteen-passenger vans. Roof racks may not be used for transporting any cargo. The drivers of passenger vans should be limited and must receive special training. Any individuals authorized to drive passenger vans must attend the defensive driving course mentioned above. 

Student Involvement and Leadership and Rutgers University do not advocate that students drive their own vehicles whenever a rental vehicle is available, nor advocate the use of passenger vans. 

The university cannot assume responsibility for the driver or the safety of the vehicle being used. It is highly recommended that all drivers have two years of driving experience and have taken the defensive driving course.

Funding Travel Programs

The Student Activities Business Office (SABO) will reimburse students for reasonable, necessary, appropriate, and approved travel and business expenses incurred in the performance of university/student organization approved travel events. Most of the events are considered pre-approved if funding is obtained from the respective governing/allocation council. Travel events not approved by their respective governing/allocation council may be subject to further reimbursement guidelines.

The purpose of this policy is to make students, advisors, approvers, deans, and directors aware of their respective roles and responsibilities relative to submitting and approving travel and business-related expenses.

All students are expected to be prudent when incurring travel or business expenses.

Tax-Exempt Status

The university is a tax-exempt organization and individuals should request that taxes not be collected. Unfortunately, the travel industry (e.g., airlines, rail, hotel, car rental, restaurants, etc.) frequently will not recognize this status and insist that taxes be paid. In these instances, the student may be reimbursed for the taxes paid. If the vendor requests a tax-exemption document, a tax exemption letter can be obtained from the SABO office.

Making Travel Arrangements:

International Travel

The university has guidelines that must be followed for all International Travel. Students and Advisors must be sure all University Guidelines are followed. Additional information regarding international assistance when traveling abroad may be obtained from the Office of Global Programs, the Office of Risk Management, and your Host Department. Registered Student Involvement and Leadership organizations have additional resources in the International Travel Planning Policy.

Cash Advances for Travel

Cash Advances for airline transportation only can be requested up to 60 days prior to the departure date. Travelers are encouraged to make travel arrangements directly with the supplier online as a cost containment strategy. SABO will reimburse only coach class tickets aboard a regularly scheduled commercial carrier. Please check with your Advisor before purchase. 

In addition to your Cash Advance for Travel, you may need additional Cash Advances which can be requested for transportation, lodging, meals, and incidentals two weeks prior to your trip. 

All Cash Advances for Travel are considered a personal charge to the student requesting the advance, and requests of more than $100 per day, for lodging, meals, and incidentals require appropriate documentation to be submitted to the SABO office in addition to the online cash advance request. 

A CASH ADVANCE RECONCILIATION with appropriate itemized receipts must be submitted within 30 days of the traveler’s return, along with the amount to be repaid to the SABO office. 

Outstanding Cash Advances for Travel for completed trips must be settled before subsequent advances will be issued. 

Travelers are encouraged to request a SABO check to pay for conference registrations and hotel reservation deposits. This is done via an online check request in the SABO system. Appropriate documentation must be presented at the SABO office for the check to be issued. 

PERR Reimbursement

A student may make all travel-related purchases with personal funds and submit a PERR to obtain a reimbursement according to the SABO Travel and Meal Policy (which can be found on the SABO website). 

If you choose to make all purchases yourself for your trip, please submit ONE PERR form with multiple original receipts per trip and per individual. 

What can be reimbursed?

Airline Tickets

Regardless if you have received a Cash Advance for Travel or are requesting reimbursement, the airline ticket receipt must be submitted. The passenger copy of the air ticket (boarding pass) should be attached whenever possible. If an electronic ticket was used, a detailed invoice/itinerary (which may also be identified by the air carrier as a receipt) may be used, as long as it shows all times of departure, flight numbers, class of service, fare basis, ticket or confirmation number, and cost of ticket, along with proof of payment. Proof of payment (i.e., credit card being charged) must also be submitted. The university will reimburse only coach class tickets aboard a regularly scheduled commercial carrier. Please check with your advisor before purchase. 

Commercial Bus/Rail Fares

Regardless if you have received a Cash Advance for Travel or are completing the PERR form, reimbursement for commercial bus and rail travel will be the reasonable actual cost. A ticket stub showing the fare or a detailed receipt showing the fare must be submitted. Proof of payment (i.e., credit card/bank statement) must also be submitted. 

Lodging Reservations

Only expenses for standard room accommodations will be reimbursed. The original receipted hotel, motel, or other bill must substantiate lodging expenses. The bill must specify rate, date(s) of stay, and evidence of payment (normally a zero balance), and must be attached to the PERR OR Reconciliation Form. Express checkout itemized receipts are acceptable for reimbursement, but the receipt must show the credit card being charged (the credit card number should be concealed to prevent misuse of the number). Credit card slips/receipts alone are not adequate support.

Car Rental

The university will reimburse for a rental car when there is PRIOR APPROVAL from the Advisor.  All students that will be eligible to rent a car must complete a Defensive Driving course and submit a defensive driving certificate to Student Involvement and Leadership or other host areas. Please see your advisor for details.

Car rentals may be used when the overall cost of the rental is less than the cost of other means of transportation (e.g., taxis, limousines, airfare). Reimbursement for car rental is limited up to intermediate size classifications for individual travelers. Full size vehicles or vans are allowed for groups when traveling.

Reimbursement will normally be made only to the traveler who signed the rental contract. Original receipts for car rentals and the rental contract must be attached to the PERR to support the expense.

Privately-Owned Vehicles

The university will reimburse students that use private automobiles on university business at the current mileage reimbursement rate established by the Internal Revenue Service, plus parking and toll charges. Please provide a Google directions map with miles to and from the university to the event. Some areas have established they will reimburse the driver for a tank of gas. This is also permitted; however, the gas receipt must accompany the reimbursement request. 

The current rate is available on the University travel website. The mileage reimbursement rate is intended to cover all operating costs including depreciation, repairs, gasoline, insurance, towage, and other similar expenditures. 

When driving on university business, students must carry a valid driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. New Jersey residents must carry a New Jersey Insurance Identification Card. Privately-owned motorcycles shall not be used on university business. 

In the event of an accident involving injuries or damages to other persons or property while operating a privately owned vehicle on university business, the employee must notify the Office of University Risk Management and Insurance in order to provide for any potential involvement of the university. The financial loss for damage to a privately owned vehicle used on business is not reimbursable by the university. 

Ground Transportation

Reimbursement may be requested for ground transportation from the traveler’s home, or from their work site to the airport, bus, or train station. Receipts showing the amount and the date of service should be attached to the PERR for reimbursement. 

Meal Expenses

A reimbursement for actual expenses up to $30.00 per day for a travel period of more than one full day per student. This amount may be adjusted by the hosting department. However it cannot exceed this amount. Students must submit itemized original receipts with proof of payment for all meals to be reimbursed. The cardholder’s copy of the meal receipt, without itemization of the meal will not be accepted, the receipts must include the provider’s name and date, and the name(s) of any other person included on the bill. Travelers shall not seek reimbursement for goods or services (including transportation, lodging, etc.) that are provided free of charge, paid for by another source or are not related to student organization business.

The maximum allowed for gratuities is 20%. Tips over this amount will result in reduction of reimbursement.

Meals for a one day event i.e. trip to NYC, Philadelphia, local builds and service projects, etc. are limited to $15.00 per student. If a student requests a cash advance/PERR for a trip off campus and pays for a meal for a group of students the name of each student paid for must be included.

Under no circumstances will a student be reimbursed for a banquet/gathering or celebration through a PERR form. This type of event/transaction requires a contract or in some limited cases an invoice paid directly to the vendor. 

Alcohol is not permitted to be purchased or reimbursed to a student. Should alcohol be found on the receipt, the entire receipt will not be reimbursed and the student will be referred to Student Conduct. 

To ensure proper accounting, prompt reimbursement and compliance with IRS regulations, students need to submit their PERRS within 30 days after their return. 

Both the approver and the next higher-level approver (i.e.  Advisor) must approve PERRS submitted beyond the 60-day time period. PERRS submitted beyond one year after the date(s) of travel will not be reimbursed. 

Students must list all itemized receipts on the Cash Advance reconciliation form or the PERR form and attach the appropriate receipts. 

The student is responsible for providing an English translation/explanation for all receipts written in a foreign language. The translation/explanation should provide an identification of the type of expenditure (i.e., meals, transportation, etc.) and a general description of the items included on the receipt (i.e., lunch for traveler). Travelers are encouraged to use credit cards for payment and submit the credit card statement that facilitates and validates the conversion process. If a copy of the traveler’s credit card statement is included with receipts, reimbursement will be for the amount shown for the item on the statement. If the traveler converts US dollars into foreign currency, the currency exchange receipts or bank statement detailing the transaction can be used to calculate the US dollar equivalent for expenses reported. For those individuals not using credit cards or lacking currency exchange receipts, receipts submitted in foreign currency must be converted to US Dollars using the Oanda currency converter which can be found at

Non-Reimbursable Expenses

Although this is not a complete list, the following are some examples of expenses that will not be reimbursed by SABO:

  • The use of frequent flyer miles will not be reimbursed.
  • The use (not purchase) of a gift card will not be reimbursed.
  • Fees incurred for changing reservations, unless there is an authorized justification. 
  • Unreasonably expensive meals and lodging.
  • The maximum allowed for gratuities is 20%. Tips over this amount will result in reduction of reimbursement.
  • Expenses at hotels for in-room movies, in-flight movies, or telephone charges.
  • Meals included in the cost of conference/meeting fees.
  • All expenses related to the personal negligence of the traveler (parking tickets and fines, towing, traffic violations, damage to personal vehicles, clothing, or other items).
  • Repairs of personal vehicles used on university business.
  • Laundry and valet service for business stays less than a week (five consecutive business days).
  • Spouse’s/family member’s/friend’s travel costs.
  • Lost/stolen cash or personal property, including luggage and/or backpack.
  • Personal items and services (e.g., shoe shines, haircuts, manicures, saunas, massages, pet care costs, souvenirs or personal gifts, childcare costs, and personal reading materials).
  • Late payment penalties and interest on personal credit card.
  • Alcoholic beverages. All receipts that have alcohol on the receipt will not be reimbursed.
  • Frequent flyer or club membership (air or rail) fees.

Who gets reimbursed?

Normally, our students are being reimbursed through the SABO system. The SABO system is specifically designed to reimburse only Rutgers University students and staff.  At times we understand that students may have to use their parent’s credit card for reimbursement. If the parent’s credit card is used for purchases, SABO will reimburse the student provided the parent has signed and completed a Parental Consent to Reimburse Form which can be found on SABO’s website.

Inclement Weather Policy

In the event that student drivers encounter inclement weather and adverse driving conditions, for the safety of all students on the travel program, they are encouraged to get a hotel room(s) as needed for the number of students until the conditions improve. Student Affairs will cover the cost of these hotel accommodations. We urge you to discuss this policy with your Advisor prior to your trip when planning to travel in the winter months.

If pending weather is imminent prior to a student organization trip or travel program, Student Involvement and Leadership and Student Affairs reserve the right to highly encourage cancellation and/or cancel/postpone the trip or travel program.

International Travel Planning

Any student organization that intends to plan an international travel program must contact (848-932-6978) at least four months prior to the intended departure for information regarding the approval and planning process for international travel programs.

Modes of Transportation

A. University Vehicles

  • All departmental paperwork must be filled out prior to use. Certified drivers must have copies of their driver’s license and defensive driving certification on file. Drivers of university vehicles must have taken a defensive driving class offered by the university. For one vehicle, the club must have two drivers with the certification; for two vehicles – three drivers; and for three vehicles – four drivers. 

B. Rental Vehicles

  • It is strongly recommended to use a rental vehicle for official student organization travel. If a student organization does choose to use rental vehicles, personal liability comprehensive insurance MUST be purchased from the rental company from a university approved vendor.
  • Drivers must be 21 years of age, be defensive driving certified, and have a valid driver’s license. Proof of documentation must be received by the student organization Advisor.
  • Rental vehicles for travel will be arranged by the organization and must be from a university approved vendor. A list of approved agencies and vendors is available through Student Involvement and Leadership. It is updated regularly by the Rutgers University Department of Risk Management and Insurance. These vehicles include seven-passenger minivans and SUVs. The rental company must have $100,000 (third party)/$300,000 (medical)/$50,000 (property) liability insurance and collision insurance. Only those drivers authorized under the lease agreement are allowed to drive the vehicle. The rental fee is approximately $65.00/day-$100.00/day.
  • A contract including the Rutgers Travel Addendum must be generated by the Advisor for any vehicle rental including: rental cars, vans, school buses, or coach buses. These rental agencies must be approved by Rutgers University and carry the required levels of insurance listing Rutgers University as additionally insured.

Requirements for University and Rental Vehicle Reservations

  • Drivers must be 21 years or older for rental vehicles, and a copy of your driver’s license and defensive driving certificate must be on file with Student Involvement and Leadership.
  • The driver to whom the vehicle(s) has been released is fully responsible for the security and operation of the vehicle and property stored and/or transported in the vehicle.
  • All moving violations will be the responsibility of the driver to whom the vehicle has been assigned. Moving violations must immediately be reported to the Associate Director of Student Involvement and Leadership.
  • The vehicle(s) must be filled with gas upon return to the university or rental agency. Failure to fill university vehicle(s) prior to returning will result in 50-cent surcharge over the prevailing gasoline cost in the New Brunswick-area. Failure to fill rental agency vehicles will result in a surcharge at the discretion of the rental agency.
  • The inside of the vehicle must be clean upon return. Failure to do this may result in additional monetary charges.
  • If a student is renting a vehicle, it is required that all liability and collision insurances be purchased.

C. Personal Vehicles

  • The university does not encourage the use of personal vehicles. If the student organization does decide to use personal vehicles, the registered owner of the personal vehicle used for club travel must complete and submit a driver informed consent waiver and a valid driver’s license in addition to the necessary travel itinerary and waivers to Student Involvement and Leadership in the Student Activities Center at least 48 hours prior departure. 
  • Rutgers University and the Division of Student Affairs do not provide insurance for the vehicle, its driver, or occupants, and are not liable for personal injury or property damage, including damage to the vehicle, incurred in accidents during student organization travel. 
  • Both the vehicle owner and the driver should understand that they might expose themselves to personal liability in the event of an accident.
  • The university cannot assume responsibility for the driver or the safety of the vehicle being used. It is highly recommended that all drivers have two years of driving experience and have taken a defensive driving course.

D. Chartered Bus

  • Clubs may choose to use a chartered bus for travel. For trips over 350 miles, the use of a chartered bus for travel is encouraged since driving over that distance is prohibited unless approved by the Associate Director of Student Involvement and Leadership.
  • Buses are to be used for participants and advisors of the organization only.
  • The Trip Leader must develop a written announcement and distribute to all travel program participants prior to the trip. The written announcement should include:
    • General welcome greeting
    • Bus company name and number
    • Departure time after the program ends and the policy for waiting for trip participants
    • Reminder: All students are responsible for their guests during the trip.
    • Instructions that in case of a problem during the trip, the trip participant should contact the Trip Coordinator at (applicable cell phone number).

E. Public Transportation (Train or Bus) 

  • If you are planning travel by train or bus, research the carrier’s reputation and consult with your Advisor and Faculty/Staff Mentors if any previous questionable conduct is uncovered. In general, it is better to postpone an excursion than to travel with a questionable driver or under questionable conditions. 
  • Travel involving train reservations must be coordinated with your Advisor at least five weeks in advance. 
  • Student organizations may purchase public bus tickets for student organization travel at the SABO office. 

F. Air Transportation 

  • Reservations must be on a commercial airline. In selecting an air carrier for organizational travel, the organization should be aware that the university requires carriers to possess $150 million of liability insurance before organizations may use their services. 
  • Arrangements for transportation to and from Newark and surrounding airports will be the responsibility of the student organization members. 
  • Travel involving airline or train reservations must be coordinated with your Advisor at least five weeks in advance. 
  • See the “Funding Travel Programs” section for additional information. 


Travel Itineraries, Informed Consent Waivers, and Trip Leaders

Each time an organization travels off-campus, whether or not the travel is funded through allocations, the organization must turn in a Travel Itinerary and Informed Consent Waivers. 

Travel Itineraries

The trip leader must complete a Travel Itinerary online five days prior to the trip that includes the following information:

  • Student Organization Name
  • Trip Leader Contact Information (including cell phone number that will be used during trip)
  • Purpose of Travel Program
  • Destination Name and Contact Information
  • Dates and Times of Travel
  • Contact Information for Hospital with Emergency Services Nearest to Travel Destination
  • Date, Time, and Contact Information for Special Events/Activities Planned
  • A List of Trip Participants, including Emergency Contact Information
  • Uploaded waivers in one PDF
  • Uploaded driver’s licenses, if applicable, in one PDF

The trip leader should take a copy of the roster and Itinerary with them on the trip.

Informed Consent Waivers

A Travel Informed Consent Waiver must be developed for the student organization by their Advisor prior to the student organization’s departure. Each trip participant is required to review and sign a travel waiver. All individuals who intend to drive to/from the travel destination must select driver on their waiver, and provide a copy of their license to the trip leader. 

An Activity Waiver is required for activities that are considered risky or dangerous. Examples of these activities include, but are not limited to: Backpacking/Camping, Beach Cleanup, Biking, Recreational Activities, Community Service, Circus, Competitive Activities (ex: Food Eating Contest), Dancing, Participant in Fashion Show, Golf, Laser Tag, Activity involving animals, Performing in a theatrical production, Paintball, Water Sports, Rock Climbing/Caving, Scuba Diving/Snorkeling, Skiing/Mountaineering, Trail Riding, Participant in Date Auction, etc.  

Consult with your Advisor five weeks prior to departure to ensure the completion of these waivers. At the discretion of the Advisor, the Activity Waiver may be combined with the Travel Waiver or may remain separate. 

All Informed Consent Waivers and Activity Waivers can be found here


Travel Planning Timeline

(For Domestic Travel Programs)

4-6 Weeks Prior (6 weeks for long distance travel): Organization meets with Advisor to discuss trip logistics, Travel Itinerary, and Informed Consent Waivers. 

4 Weeks Prior: Student organization should make sure that the funds necessary for the trip are in the SABO account. 

2 Weeks Prior: Student organization submits Cash Advance Requests to the Student Activities Business Office. Cash advances for travel may not exceed $400.00 unless approved for a different amount by your Advisor and SABO. All cash advances must be reconciled no more than thirty (30) days after travel. 

Advisor and/or student organization officers communicate details and payment info to the Student Activities Business Office. 

5 Business Days Prior: All waivers, driver's licenses and roster must be submitted via the Travel Itinerary Form on getINVOLVED at least 5 business days before the trip. 

Meal Expenses

A reimbursement for actual expenses up to $30.00 per day for a travel period of more than one full day per student. This amount may be adjusted by the hosting department. However it cannot exceed this amount. Students must submit itemized original receipts with proof of payment for all meals to be reimbursed. The cardholder’s copy of the meal receipt, without itemization of the meal will not be accepted, the receipts must include the provider’s name and date, and the name(s) of any other person included on the bill. Travelers shall not seek reimbursement for goods or services (including transportation, lodging, etc.) that are provided free of charge, paid for by another source or are not related to student organization business.

The maximum allowed for gratuities is 20%. Tips over this amount will result in reduction of reimbursement.

Meals for a one day event i.e. trip to NYC, Philadelphia, local builds and service projects, etc. are limited to $15.00 per student. If a student requests a cash advance/PERR for a trip off campus and pays for a meal for a group of students the name of each student paid for must be included.

The purchase and/or consumption of alcohol is not permitted. Any receipts that have alcohol on them will not be reimbursed. The student organization will be referred to the Student Organization Incident Policy team and any students involved will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. 

The Student Involvement and Leadership team in the SAC submits Travel Itinerary to RUPD and stores waivers in the student organization’s file.

Trip/Travel Planning Guidelines

The travel policy is in place to assist student organizations make safe arrangements for travel.  It is important that your organization follow all policies and procedures pertaining to each type of travel.  Failure to do so may result in student organizations and their officers being referred to Student Conduct.

Student organizations planning any type of trip or travel program should meet with their Advisor to discuss their planned itinerary, budget, and transportation details as well as the risk management and contracting procedures related to travel.

When traveling as a Rutgers University student organization, please make sure to consult with your organization’s Advisor to ensure you satisfy the requirements to appropriately run a travel trip:

  • Meet with your Advisor regarding funds, logistics, travel/activity waivers 
  • Trip Leader Designation – a student on the executive board should be the designated Trip Leader. The Trip Leader will carry all important information including the Travel Itinerary with them throughout the travel period and will periodically check in with the organization’s Advisor, on an as needed basis. 
  • Submission of Travel Itinerary Form 
  • Completed Travel Waivers 
    • If students are driving their own cars, they must submit a driver’s license. Successful completion of a Defensive Driving course is encouraged. 
    • If students are driving rental vehicles, successful completion of a Defensive Driving course is required. 
  • Completed Activity Waivers

It is important to meet with your advisor five weeks in advance of any travel trip away from campus. This will allow adequate time for paperwork and contracts to be completed and processed. Additional planning is required for events with potential risk management concerns. In this meeting, please come prepared with your allocated budget for the trip and how you plan to spend your funds (Cash Advance, PERRs). You will also provide your advisor trip logistics including your planned location, lodging, and mode of transportation. 


All student organization travel must receive their Advisor’s approval prior to departure and have sufficient funds to cover travel expenses prior to the trip.

Trip Leader Role and Responsibilities

The student organization must have a designated Student Trip Leader who is responsible for all facets of trip planning for each travel program. Leaders must immediately inform both their Faculty/Staff Mentor and Advisor of any changes in itinerary or contact information, as well as any concerns or challenges that develop before and during the trip that could affect the safety or well-being of the participating students, and/or the overall integrity and productivity of the program. The university regards the trip leader as the primary contact for the group. This individual must be accessible by cell phone during the travel program and must take a copy of the travel itinerary with them on the trip.

The trip leader should meet with the Advisor five weeks prior to the student organization’s departure. This is to allow adequate time for contracts and paperwork for the travel program to be completed and processed. Additional planning time is needed for travel involving risk management concerns.

Materials for Trip/Travel Program

The Trip Leader should take the following items on the trip:

  • Cell phone
  • Directions to the travel destination
  • Copies of facility or ticket contracts
  • Copies of the Travel Itinerary
  • Special Informed Consent Waivers for passengers not returning via trip transportation
  • Written announcements with instructions for the day
  • Cash Advance (amount determined by Advisor)
  • Phone number for Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD): 732-932-7211 (Trip Leader’s first point of contact for domestic emergencies or other situations requiring immediate contact with Rutgers administration)
  • First Aid Kit (if applicable)
  • Copy of bus transportation contract (if applicable) and emergency contact number for transportation company

For travel programs that include an extensive stay away from campus, the Trip Leader may also wish to create a travel information sheet that includes travel accommodation phone numbers and distribute to trip participants prior to the trip.