Student Centers Building and Campus Partner Resources

Busch Student CenterCollege Ave Student CenterCook Student CenterDouglass Student CenterLivingston Student CenterStudent Activities Center

Student Centers and Activities supports our campus and building partners with a variety of services including maintenance requests, building and key access, and various communications and consultation.

To streamline communication amongst our various team members, we ask that maintenance and access requests be submitted online. Emergency or time sensitive requests may be communicated to a member of the Student Center professional staff directly.

New Access and Access Removal Requests

If you have a new staff member join your office, you will need to submit a request to have these individuals receive swipe access to the exterior doors of the building (along with any other swipe access points of the facility). All building partners will have access to the Student Centers and their offices even when the building is closed to the general public. 

If you have a staff member leave your office or university, this must be communicated as soon as possible. This allows our access records to remain up to date and ensures the safety and security of the Student Centers facilities. To submit a request for new access permissions or to remove an access privilege, please click the link below: 

Student Center Access Request

Advisors of Student Organizations

If you are an advisor of a Rutgers student organization, you will have the ability to add and remove access privileges to that specific office through the university’s Access Control Coordinator Database.

Advisors should review access privilege at the end of every academic year (no later than May 31) and must submit a list of approved students to the Director and Assistant Director of the appropriate Student Center by June 30.

Maintenance Requests

If you have specific maintenance requests, the Student Centers professional staff will work with the university’s Facilities Department to ensure it is completed. Emergency work orders can be communicated directly to a member of the Student Centers team. To submit a maintenance request, please click the link below: 

Student Center Maintenance Request


For additional questions, please contact the Student Center professional staff member assigned in your building.